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May 19, 2015
Mar 15, 2013
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Central British Columbia, Canada
retired journalist, counsellor, ESL teacher

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aka Bugsy, Female, from Central British Columbia, Canada

njoy was last seen:
May 19, 2015
  • My Story

    I encountered Dr. Sarno's book on healing back pain in the early 90s and credit it with my recovery from debilitating back pain. Later, the same ideas helped with fibromyalgia and many other conditions as I went through a series of tms equivalents. Right now, I am trying to dig out the specifics of my problem which have their roots in an anxious temperament and an thoroughly unpleasant childhood.

    Recently, I've learned about Internal Family Systems which is a way to work with our "parts" or sub-personalities. For me, it works. Even more recently, I've been seeing an Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapist (ISTDP) which is also helping enormously.

    Here's me in a nutshell: world traveler, helping amateur, Baha'i. I live on a lake in the Chilcotin region of British Columbia. Photos here, if you are interested: http://www.flickr.com/photos/44652461@N00/sets/72157636705130115/
    1. rn2god
      I was just reading the piece you wrote entitled Goodbye Pain and when I got past the first chapter it looks to be in another language from there on. Can you fix this or somehow get the whole book to me? Thank you!
      1. plum
        Sweetheart I’m saddened to tell you that njoy passed away some time ago. We miss her. She was gorgeous.
        Aug 8, 2019
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  • My Story

    Home Page:
    Central British Columbia, Canada
    retired journalist, counsellor, ESL teacher
    I encountered Dr. Sarno's book on healing back pain in the early 90s and credit it with my recovery from debilitating back pain. Later, the same ideas helped with fibromyalgia and many other conditions as I went through a series of tms equivalents. Right now, I am trying to dig out the specifics of my problem which have their roots in an anxious temperament and an thoroughly unpleasant childhood.

    Recently, I've learned about Internal Family Systems which is a way to work with our "parts" or sub-personalities. For me, it works. Even more recently, I've been seeing an Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapist (ISTDP) which is also helping enormously.

    Here's me in a nutshell: world traveler, helping amateur, Baha'i. I live on a lake in the Chilcotin region of British Columbia. Photos here, if you are interested: http://www.flickr.com/photos/44652461@N00/sets/72157636705130115/