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Beloved Grand Eagle, Female

Alive and well, thanks to Dr. Sarno and many good people on this forum! Apr 22, 2020

TG957 was last seen:
Mar 13, 2025 at 11:37 PM
  • My Story

    Fully recovered from a number of TMS symptoms: CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome), dystonia, Reynaud's syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome (that was official diagnosis which I believe was incorrect), insomnia, anxiety and other smaller but annoying symptoms.

    My reports on my recovery are scattered on this forum, but to put it in a concise and succinct form, I wrote a book, which is more a guide to TMS recovery for those new to the TMS concept. The book is published on Amazon and was priced at the lowest price allowed by Amazon, which is 99 cents. My hope is that it will be spreading the word for those who are suffering from CRPS and dystonia, both conditions are treated using often barbaric methods that rarely bring cure, and more often provide only a temporary relief.

    1. Fabi
      I so much enjoyed reading the sample pages.
      1. TG957 likes this.
    2. Sita
      I read your book. You had a difficult journey, I'm happy you are OK now. Good work! I talked to 3 people this morning and recommended your fantastic book. It helps me a lot. Gradually, I'm increasing my meditations now. I've been using the same tools as you:forum, mindfulness, meditation, exercise. I started some time ago. Thank you for taking the time to write it. God bless!
      1. TG957 and oneperson like this.
      2. TG957
        Sita, thank you so much! It is the feedback like yours makes me feel that I did not waste 2 years working on the book. Wish you the very best of luck in your healing!
        May 6, 2021
        Sita and oneperson like this.
    3. oneperson
      I just read the Foreward to your book & will be ordering the paperback later this month.
      I live w/an "incurable" neurological disorder.
      I'm in process of diving deeper into any residual emotional stuff. A TMS home program helped me in the early 2000s to overcome previous different chronic illnesses. So, here I go again. ;)
      I look forward to reading your story. Love the title, btw. :)
      1. TG957 likes this.
      2. TG957
        Thank you, Carol! I hope the book will be helpful to you!
        May 6, 2021
        oneperson likes this.
    4. TrustIt
      TG957 i purchased your book and read it in one sitting. you did a great job detailing your experience. it was immensely helpful to me. thank you!
      1. TG957 likes this.
      2. TG957
        So sorry for the delayed response, I just noticed your post couple days ago. I am so glad my story is helping you to heal!
        May 6, 2021
        TrustIt likes this.
    5. jimmylaw9
      thanks for eplying to me i bought your book today and off to read it thanks Jim
      1. TG957 likes this.
      2. TG957
        feel free to ask questions if you have any. Best of luck!
        Dec 8, 2020
    6. Okcowgirl
      Hey TG.. I want to say again how much I enjoyed your book. I keep going back to it when I need inspiration or patience lol. I mentioned it on a Curable post - a gal Rachel Claire also recovered from CRPS so I mentioned your book. She says she is recommending it to her CRPS buddies . Hopefully it will inspire. It sure did for me. Blessings Tamara
      1. miffybunny likes this.
      2. TG957
        Thank you so much! I am planning to start working on my next project, which is to publish a Kindle edition of the CRPS success stories together with miffybunny . Once we get going, I will ask you for Rachel Claire's info. CRPS world is weird, people are attached to their pain and would not give it up. We want to break through that wall! I hope you will get better and better every day!
        May 4, 2020
        kim marie and Okcowgirl like this.
    7. KayLah
      Greetings. Just bought your book. Looking forward! Doing Alan's course & reading; Dr David R Hawkins, Letting Go, Power vs Force, Healing and Recovery and Sarno's Mindbody Prescription. I read latter in the 80s or 90s, as well as Power vs Force. Wasn't ready. TMS journey is turning out to be interesting. Coincides with goal to find joy and serenity (I turn 70 this year). Blessings to you and thanks for sharing.
      1. TG957
        Thank you so much and best of luck to you, too! Remember, age is irrelevant. Once you are done with your already heavy book list, check this one out: Daniel Levitin, Successful Aging. This one is so inspiring!
        May 4, 2020
        KayLah likes this.
    8. TG957
      Alive and well, thanks to Dr. Sarno and many good people on this forum!
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  • My Story

    CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome), carpal tunnel syndrome, Reynaud's syndrome
    Fully recovered from a number of TMS symptoms: CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome), dystonia, Reynaud's syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome (that was official diagnosis which I believe was incorrect), insomnia, anxiety and other smaller but annoying symptoms.

    My reports on my recovery are scattered on this forum, but to put it in a concise and succinct form, I wrote a book, which is more a guide to TMS recovery for those new to the TMS concept. The book is published on Amazon and was priced at the lowest price allowed by Amazon, which is 99 cents. My hope is that it will be spreading the word for those who are suffering from CRPS and dystonia, both conditions are treated using often barbaric methods that rarely bring cure, and more often provide only a temporary relief.
