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‍♀️ ‍♀️ silent meditation and heart rate

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Bex1111, Mar 10, 2024.

  1. Bex1111

    Bex1111 Peer Supporter

    I've began to do short 10 to 20 minute silent meditation. I have recently got myself in to such a emotional state , lots of tears and irrational fears so I decided that I needs to try the meditation to find some peace within and sit with what is. I noticed that my heart rate was 73 ish before I started, when I finished it shot up to 100 . I am wondering why this would happen when meditation was supposed to lower heart rate. I feel very disregulated and in pain at the moment and so maybe it was resistance. I'm just curious if anybody knows anything about this. I want to continue each day trying this but strange that my heart rate was affected so suddenly as the meditation ended.

  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hey Becky - I get it, and I struggle with meditation myself, so this result when you're very wound up doesn't surprise me at all.

    Nicole Sachs recommends meditation AFTER journaling. Have you been practicing emotional writing at all? That's where I go when I'm wound up, and I have to tell you, I shouldn't be amazed at the results after all this time - but I always still am. Amazed and so, so grateful.

    Nicole tells you how to do go about it - go to her website, Resources tab/How To Journalspeak
  3. Bex1111

    Bex1111 Peer Supporter

    Thanks Jan. Yes I have journalled previously fpr 3 months but not for while , possibly time to try again. I had to go back into the medical route a few weeks back as the NHS neurologist appointment arrived after 8 months and I didn't want to cancel it after all that time , although I was worried about going . Actually he was a lovely man and very on board with mind-body stuff. He did however want to test me for a couple of things, one being blood cancer which while waiting for the result took, took my brain to very scary places... all seems ok now I have the results back but now I'm a mess and everything has rampled up .... wasn't sure thT was possible!! So maybe journalling is needed again . Thank you xx I did enjoy the silent meditation bit was so interesting also to see my heart rate go up like that... like my brain just couldn't cope with me trying to sit in calm! Xx god this journey!!! Kindness regards B xx
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Haha - are you kidding? Your TMS brain HATES this! Your TMS brain needs you to be on the alert for danger 24/7 or you might get eaten by a sabre-tooth tiger!

    Meditation is WAY harder than writing. But I really urge you to read Nicole's instruction page. It's not long. And, by the way, she admits to falling off the wagon of journaling. Don't waste time thinking about it - just get back on.
    TG957 and Bex1111 like this.
  5. Bex1111

    Bex1111 Peer Supporter

    Thanks, seems anything I try and my brain juat ramps thing upx I will give writing another try. I'm pretty sure there's more to come out if the emotional outburst ate anything to go by. Blessings x
  6. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I healed from CRPS, thanks to meditation, but only after I was able to get through the 20 minute barrier and meditate for at least 45 minutes straight. I noticed that around 10-15 minute mark I consistently experienced a rise in anxiety, which initially caused me to stop. But soon I learned that after a few minutes of anxiety it subsided, and I entered what I believe was a healing phase of meditation. I also noticed that I start feeling warmer around the same time. It is consistent with what I read before, that to be effective, meditation must last at least 20 minutes. As I became more experienced, the rise of anxiety became less profound.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2024
  7. Bex1111

    Bex1111 Peer Supporter

    Thank you. Yes I knew that you had used meditation very effectively. I will continue with it as I find at the end of the 10 minutes my busy mind starts to slightly quieten. I appreciate your advice . Your stories very inspirational. Xxx kindest Regards Becky x
    TG957 likes this.
  8. PainNoMore

    PainNoMore Peer Supporter

    i would try some guided meditation instead of silent. see if that helps. then maybe move on to silent later
    Sita and Bex1111 like this.
  9. Bex1111

    Bex1111 Peer Supporter

    Thank you x I have tried that often also but was just trying something else. Want to be able to sit in quiet and acknowledge the thoughts but not react to them as that seems to be my issue with constant symptoms for over year half .
    Sita likes this.
  10. Sita

    Sita Well known member

    I think it depends on the person. People are different.

    Bex, you could just practice some breathing exercising. Open the window or even go outside on the balcony and breathe in slowly (counting to 6 for instance), then hold the breath for 6 (same period of time) and then breathe out slowly (counting to 6 gain). Just repeat a few times. It will definitely help.

    I did this technique in the past and I practice it now also sometimes. It's also helpful to practice it before starting your meditation, just to calm the mind a little. And the body also calms down a little.
    Bex1111 and BloodMoon like this.
  11. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @Bex1111. My heart rate went up with meditation, so I've swapped to using hypnosis videos from Thomas Hall's YouTube channel, which I find wonderfully calming and relaxing. (Thomas Hall aka Minds In Unison has made a large variety of hypnosis videos as well as subliminal and binaural beats videos to choose from for free that you usually don't have to watch, you can just close your eyes, listen to and relax). I've tried other hypnosis videos which didn't do anything to help me at all, but I've found these videos help me a lot. The one below is one of my favourites. I just thought I'd mention it, but I realise that trying hypnosis doesn't appeal to everyone.

    Bex1111 likes this.
  12. Bex1111

    Bex1111 Peer Supporter

    Thank you for this advice. I will try it
  13. Bex1111

    Bex1111 Peer Supporter

    Appreciate you sharing this. Rain is always the last thing I listen to at night when I'm doing visuals and getting to sleep . I love cosy cabins in the snow or rain and this sound is so relaxing. I will have a listen. Xxx Appreciated
    BloodMoon likes this.

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