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6 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by brianleejackson, Apr 17, 2012.

  1. brianleejackson

    brianleejackson Peer Supporter

    I thought this was an interesting article today.

    Notice step #6... "You may not realize it, but your physiology is programmed to mirror the physiology of the people around you. (This is a neurological phenomenon resulting from the"mirror neurons" in your brain.) In other words, you can "catch" stress from other people."
    PamD likes this.
  2. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is really interesting and something that I think really supports the Mind Body connection. It sounds like it would be one of the reasons behind mass psychogenic disorders such as the Le Roy, NY case. I also liked the Step #5: Disconnect from the uncontrollable. The last paragraph is "Worrying about stuff you can't control isn't going to make an iota of difference either in the short or the long run. It's wasted energy and extra stress you don't need. Change what can change and shrug off what you can't."

    This seems to be hand in hand with the idea in TMS that we need to accept our emotions. Somethings are going to be frustrating and we are going to have rage and anger sometimes in our lives. Instead of trying to push these emotions down or overcome them we need to simply accept these emotions/situations and move on with our lives. Of course this is really hard to do when you are a perfectionist and want everything to be a certain way. It can be hard for TMSers to let go of control sometimes, but I also think doing so can help us recover. This goes along with Monte's idea of Think Clean.
  3. PamD

    PamD Peer Supporter

    I think that it is very important to pay attention to our environment. I recall watching Dr. Christiane Northrup on PBS recently. I believe it was she who spoke of an experiment conducted with centenarians or an older population. Half of the grop was to spend several days together doing what they always do and feeling how they do, basically not changing how they interact with the environment and approaching their day as they would normally. The other half of the group spent their time together reenacting life as a child. Playing childhood games, singing, skipping and being as they would have been at a younger age I believe 10 years old. ( I can't find the exact experiment). The people who were in the "childhood" group actually reduced their biological age, the age that their body says they are, compared to the biological age that was recorded prior to the start of the experiment. This was not true of the other group. I find this fascinating.

    She spoke about the following which is referenced on her website too...

    "Centenarians—those 100 or older—are the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population. Currently, there are about 53,000 centenarians in the U.S. and, because this group is increasing at the rate of 75,000 people per year, there will be 600,000 centenarians by 2050. You read that right: Ten times as many Americans will be over 100 years old two generations from now.

    Research of Dr. Mario Martinez—a study of 700 healthy centenarians from all over the world—reveals that centenarians share similar characteristics:

    1. They are rebels who don’t go along with the beliefs of their cultures. They create their own culture.
    2. They don’t go to doctors. Many of their doctors are dead, and they tend not to align with traditional Western medicine.
    3. They indulge in pleasurable rituals daily, like one cigar, a small scotch, or a brownie. The key is it’s a ritual—think tea ceremony not a mindless binge.
    4. They live in the present and look forward to the future. They have events and new challenges to look forward to.
    5. They do not identify with their peer groups or identify with age—they don’t like being around what they call old people, many of whom are younger than they are.
    6. They live in subcultures that support maximizing their ability to live agelessly.
    That’s simply one piece of a global story about people living longer. If you want longevity, I’m sure you don’t also want to spend the last years of your life in poor health, thinking about how “old” you are. You can change your future starting today by adopting a new, ageless attitude.

    5 Ways to Adopt an Ageless Attitude
    To start acting like a healthy centenarian, act on these five things:

    1. Don’t use your age as a “cage.” Stop saying things like “at my age” or “I’m too old for that.”
    2. Avoid “organ recitals.” This is when you catalog your aches and pains, and discuss all your health issues and diseases. Nothing is more boring!!! Plus what you pay attention to expands. Why not focus on what is working?
    3. Decide to defy what you’ve been taught about aging. How you grow older has a lot to do with your beliefs.
    4. Choose a couple of mentors for healthy aging. Look for individuals to hang out with who make it easy to be happy and healthy.
    5. Create goals and dreams that pull you forward. This may be the most important of all. Create a life you love, and keep living it, regardless of the number on your driver’s license.
    Remember: Gerontology is simply the study of the “pathology” of aging. You don’t have to have any pathology, because healthy aging doesn’t mean deterioration. Also, it’s a real loss if you come to the end of your life never having developed an inner sense of self, not to mention all the gifts of wit and wisdom that come with the years. Thriving with each passing year is truly an option for all of us."

    - See more at: http://www.drnorthrup.com/thriving-with-each-passing-year/
    Tennis Tom likes this.
  4. PamD

    PamD Peer Supporter

    Thanks for the link to the stress article. I feel these are important steps to take and easy if you look at the big picture.

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