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About journaling

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Safiya, Sep 7, 2024.

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  1. Safiya

    Safiya New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I just started my journaling journey, however i have a question. I already read a few posts that some of us are prone to 'editing' their journals, and i am certainly one of them so i promised myself not to do that. However- how about journaling about this TMS issue (including it)? It has become the biggest trauma of all- and even though my pain started BEFORE -at this point i am sure this trauma in and of itself contributes to the pain or at least my anxiety. Or is this only going to emphasize the problem and therefore my thoughts and feelings- as in staying obsessed about the issue etcetera.

    I hope some of you have some ideas on this. Or maybe i am overthinking again and there isn't a right or wrong?

    Thanks in advance. :)
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    @Safiya, you brought up some serious issues in your first post in August, including medications prescribed by your psychotherapist, and also this, which is probably very significant to your suffering: "I have a real hard situation at home- does this stop me from seeing some improvements when i do the work?"

    I think you will get more relevant answers if people can see the rest of your story. You can copy your post above, and add it to that thread. I have some thoughts, but I'd like to offer them in context with your introduction

    I included a link to that thread above. There are two ways to find a list of your posts, by clicking on your avatar/icon above, or your user name on the menu bar.
    Dorado likes this.
  3. Safiya

    Safiya New Member

    @JanAtheCPA thank you for replying. I added my last post to the old thread. Also if it is relevant for you guys to know more about my situation behore giving "advice" I will go into further detail.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

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