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Achilles pain (in most shoes)

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Tg01, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. Tg01

    Tg01 Newcomer


    Ever since I started wearing orthotics I've been having on and off pain in my left achilles heel. I'm only able to wear one type of shoe (nike air force1). The last long period of time I walked pain free was when I wore these shoes with my orthotics and an extra 3 cm leather insole under my left foot after a pt diagnosed me with a leg length discrepancy (which was also causing a lower back pain for half a year) I've been to multiple health practitioners (othpedist, pt, podiatrist etc) for my achilles/back of foot pain and back pain. My back pain hasn't returned.

    My situation now is that in my worn out nikes I'm able to walk pain free, with orthotics with no leg length compensation. However, every other shoe I wear seems to press painfully against my achilles heel. Even after I bought a new pair of the same nike Air force 1s. Once my current ones run out to a point they are unwearable I cannot walk pain free anymore.

    After I read about tms I recognized myself in a lot the different stories. I also have OCD and Adhd. I was wondering if it's possible that my tms symptoms only flair up when I wear other shoes than my broken in ones? Or is the fact that wearing my broken in ones is painless proving that it is in fact my new shoes causing the pain? I also noticed the worn out ones that didn't cause pain have a red stitching on the inside where the new pain causing ones are stitched completely in white. That's causes me to obsess about a change in the quality of this particular shoe model (nike air force 1s).

    The pain is essentially a burning/pain sensation sometimes cause by the slightest touch of my shoe against the back of my foot. Again, I only experience this wearing my new pair of the same type of shoe.

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