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Affirmation made me cry today

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by ARCUser831, Nov 8, 2023.

  1. ARCUser831

    ARCUser831 Well known member

    I have just started to consider adding affirmations to my day as another method of communicating to my brain that I am safe and do not need to be in pain.

    I read someone say that these are more powerful to our minds when we say them into a mirror. I went through several, paying attention to how I felt as I repeated each one three times. It wasn't until I got to what I thought was the most simple and basic affirmation that I nearly immediately began to cry: "I love you"

    I found it interesting because I have never felt particularly unloved. But it clearly struck a chord with me. And I find myself now wondering what place of vulnerability I have touched upon...

    I also read someone share that there is a kind of grief where you are realizing “I never thought I could feel happy in this way until now, and now I no longer need to be numb to how much I longed for it, and I am relieved that time is over”. That really resonated with me, and I cried more deeply at that.

    I dont know what this means for me and my pain, but after letting the emotion roll through me unfettered, I felt a sense of relief. I have been really struggling with some worsening symptoms this week and I've been needing some positive and empowering methods to help myself through.

    I just thought I would share what is hopefully a good sign I'm on the right path.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Very nicely written, thank you, @ARCUser831.

    You can't actually do this work effectively without acceptance, compassion, and love for yourself. Keep up the good work!

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