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Ankylosing Spondylitis and the HLA-B27 Gene

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by mankel, Nov 13, 2023.

  1. mankel

    mankel Newcomer

    I’m writing on behalf of my wife who has been suffering from TMS pain for the last 5 years. It was triggered by a massive rent increase that forced us to move, then gall bladder removal surgery, then a second forced move about a year after the first (this time the landlord “simply” wanted the house for their relatives to live in).

    The main hurdle for my wife seems to be undoing all that she learned from doctors in the 5 years before we discovered Sarno and the rest. Of all the blood tests, ultrasounds, x-rays, and MRI’s that were done, it is the genetic marker test for the HLA-B27 gene that has proven to be the hardest obstacle to overcome. She tested positive for the gene and now it is stuck in her head that she will develop ankylosing spondylitis. No family members of hers have it, and she showed no symptoms relating to it until learning about gene. A typical explanation of the disease sounds like this:

    “Researchers know that the HLA-B27 gene increases the risk of developing ankylosing spondylitis, but this does not mean you will get the disease if you have the gene. Many people have the gene and never develop ankylosing spondylitis, which tells researchers that environmental factors also play a role.”

    So I looked at the numbers and it is unlikely statistically that she will develop the disease. She had no childhood/teenage symptoms but it doesn’t matter. The damage is done because of the red ink on the report and the damn doctor who urged her to take the test. The plan from the doctor’s perspective seems to have been “now that we know you have this gene simply go to a rheumatologist every so often and they’ll tell you what to do next”. We did that and the rheumatologist said her MRI’s looked normal but that A.S. is a progressive disease so everything “could change in the future”. More damning logic to undo.

    I am aware of stories in which doctors have suggested that a patient has A.S., and the news shocked them into discovering TMS on their own, BEFORE doing any further tests. Unfortunately my wife went the extra step and got tested for that awful HLA-B27 marker. So I am looking for stories about people who tested positive, but never developed the disease. Or who tested positive and fought the disease through TMS work successfully. I know that one should be able to heal without seeing a surrogate self do it first, but it sure does help.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Bumping this for @mankel, as it's an unusual situation. I have some thoughts and ideas for tms-related resources, but no time at the moment to pull them together into a coherent set of suggestions.

    My first, and most important thought has to do with inflammation and the role that stress plays in chronic inflammation which is connected to so many chronic disorders. The connection is well-established and being corroborated in more and more research. Since this particular condition, just like many autoimmune conditions, is caused by dysregulated inflammation, your wife's research needs to turn towards what she must do to reduce inflammation. The number one thing is reducing stress.

    Reduce stress
    Increase exercise
    Reduce stress
    Design your diet around the Mediterranean model
    Reduce stress.
    Reject ultra-processed "food" and of course don't abuse alcohol, medications, or drugs
    Reduce stress.

    Did I mention Reduce Stress?
    BruceMC likes this.
  3. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    My question would be what role is your wife playing in her own wellness?
    You are here asking and posting for her.
    Her wellness and recovery from the fear, anxiety etc and ability to live a more full life will really depend on her seeking her own path, being willing to accept that she has some power in her health and wellness.
    Dr. Hansom (and Dr. Tovah) speak about some their clients having the ability to reduce inflammation, stress, anxiety, etc to the point where illness that are already (which is not your wife) taking hold will halt and not progress. It's quite amazing. However this is because of the inner work, the psychological work over time (as well as the general healthy lifestyle choices Jan talks about above) that the person partakes in themselves.
    It might be worth while to contact either of these two specialists and just ask about what they have seen. Dr. Hanscom will probably know more about the genetic issue since he is a retired back surgeon now TMS professional.
  4. mankel

    mankel Newcomer


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