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another question - please help

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by 1speechpick, Jun 28, 2023.

  1. 1speechpick

    1speechpick New Member

    I have another question. I've been having severe headaches (I suspect TMS), severe anxiety, and insomnia (other TMS symptoms too, but those are the basics). They seem to have a pattern of being really bad when I wake up in the mornings. I suspect it has something to do with the brain/subconscious during sleep, but I don't understand it all. Any insight?
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Perhaps it’s morning anxiety.
    On Youtube, there are audios of Claire Weekes reading her book Hope and Help For For Nerves, she discusses morning anxiety. Yours just might come with some extras.
    You don’t need to understand it any more than they are signs of anxiety = tms. You’re ok! They are just symptoms.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Back in the old old days, for many years "Before Sarno", I would get what I called "5-ibuprofen headaches". They always occurred on a day of no commitments (like a weekend) and they started within minutes of waking up. I would be awake, feeling normal, still lying in bed and maybe thinking about what to do with a day off, when I would literally feel pain suddenly start like a muscle spasm at the back of my neck, travel up and across the top of my head, and settle on one side, sort of behind one eye. I would be disabled with the sudden pain.

    The "cure" was three ibuprofen and a cup of strong tea (provided by my then spousal unit) followed by two or three hours of sleep, and two more ibuprofen when I woke up. This would allow me to get up with just remnants of the pain, but I would be shaky and fragile the rest of the day.

    This is one of several miscellaneous TMS symptoms that I realized later had never occurred again after I did the work back in 2011/2012. Mind you, those headaches were not the symptoms that brought me to a TMS crisis in the summer of 2011. Those symptoms took longer. Feel free to read my profile story for the details if you like.

    A dizziness and balance specialist conjectured that I might be a migraineur (I think today they would use the term "vestibular migraine". I can still have minor setbacks with balance symptoms if I'm not mindful. However I stopped seeing that practitioner as soon as I discovered Dr Sarno and this forum in 2011, and I am only reminded about that diagnosis occasionally.

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