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Anybody else with functional dyspepsia/IBS

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by DIVI, Jul 2, 2024.

  1. DIVI

    DIVI Newcomer

    Good evening,
    First i am not sure of the functioning of the forum. But i need help of somebody who is now successfully functioning and eating everything with functional dyspepsia/IBS/gastritis symptoms of TMS. My digestion is horrible and i am follow now all the programs that i could (Dr. Sarno and also Mr. Gordon). I saw a lot of progress on some of my symptoms (nausea/indigestion), but i have so many questions regarding:
    1) How to proceed to reintroduce to a more normal diet and if i need to wait a little bit. I am optimist in nature, but wants to do the things correctly to not aggravate things. I am on the gastritis healing diet right now since a year.

    2) How did you do to recover from all your digestive issues ? Any tips for me ?

    3) Can I hear some of your success stories ? It could really help my anxiety (i never got anxiety before but now i realize that i think always about my health, it's almost obsessive! Your success stories helps to see that i am able to achieve and be successful myself.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hello @DIVI and welcome.

    Did you notice how the words "success stories" turned into a hyperlink? Follow that link to the page on our wiki that has a loooong list of symptoms, and click on the ones that interest you. There's IBS, food sensitivities, Gerd, probably others. Tons of info.

    You can also go to the Success Stories subforum and use our keyword search for a symptom name, but be sure to click on "More" and use the advanced search options to only search in that subforum. It takes a bit of experimentation to get good at keyword searches, but it's worth the time spent.
    TG957 and DIVI like this.
  3. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    I like your new profile photo @JanAtheCPA . It reminds me of the period of time when I was having frequent TMS relapses and I had a note on my mirror that say "It's most likely TMS". The Divided Mind talking to itself.
    TG957 and JanAtheCPA like this.

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