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Bulging veins on feet and legs?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Tmswarrior32, Jun 29, 2024.

  1. Tmswarrior32

    Tmswarrior32 New Member

    Hi group. I have overcome so much I’m sure this is tms as well but my fearful brain is on and I can’t find any success stories that really help me. I had a diagnosis of pots and histamine intolerance with the usual physical symptoms. I rarely get them any more (the dizziness, sneezing, headaches, tachycardia) though they still appear from time to time I ignore it. My husband pointed out to me that I am getting really prominente veins on my lower legs. When I looked I saw the veins are definitely popping out but not lie varicose veins. It’s bulging out. Now I am noticing them on the sides of my feet and on top of my feet as well. This is one of the characteristics of people with pots. Obviously I’m in fear mode I’m trying g to get out but I’m afraid it will get worse I feel like going to the doctor won’t do anything they will just tell me to wear compression stockings. I quit doing all that stuff with tms since nothing is wrong with me but this problem has me caught up. Anyone heal from the bulging veins or at least reduced their appearance? I’m only 33.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Personally, I am not comfortable assuming TMS for vascular symptoms, and although it's possible that you might receive a response from somebody who can reassure you, I would urge you to seek regular medical care for this new symptom. If they (hopefully) can't find anything specific and simply recommend compression stockings, then you can seek a consult with a TMS doctor, perhaps by searching the PPDA practitioners' directory at PPDAssociation.org. Be prepared to upload your medical records before an outside consultation.

    When I received my diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis in 2020, I consulted with Dr Schechter in California, hoping to receive permission from him to treat the RA purely as TMS. His answer was essentially No, although he said that he's seen remissions in people who employed their TMS knowledge - in addition to taking the medication as long as the blood tests indicate excessive inflammation. (FWIW he did agree with my assertion that an inordinate amount of recent stress - from four sources at the same time - were most likely responsible.)
    Ellen likes this.
  3. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    Timely post. I spent an entire day two weekends ago worrying that I had a bloodclot because one of the bulgy veins in my leg got an itchy welt over the bulgy part. A few days later that turned into worrying that the non-existent clot had gone to my lungs.

    For what it's worth, I too have POTS and histamine issues. I don't think the POTS is completely TMS. I think that my body has low blood volume, low blood pressure. I'm small and that's not uncommon. I always assumed it was normal that when you get up from sitting your heart races fast and that when you get up from lying down you get dizzy and have a couple seconds of feeling like you might pass out. I was actually surprised to find out that doesn't happen to everyone. The thing is, POTS doesn't kill you and it really only is a problem when you let your TMS brain use the POTs symptoms and exacerbate them to distract you. Once you work on your TMS, you can shrug at so what if my heart pounds or I get dizzy and have to get up from laying down slowly. Big woop.
    Before I learned about TMS I used to worry A LOT about my heart rate. Once I learned that hearts can beat at VERY HIGH rates for a long time and still not kill you, that made me stop thinking about it.
    So, I guess my point is, you can have physical things like POTS and bulgy veins and still not worry about them. If your concern about the veins is you don't like how they look, you can have vein specialists do surgery.

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