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Call-In Discussion, Tues. June 24

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Forest, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    This Tuesday (June 24th) the call-in discussion group will be discussing “Eric's Journey - 10” and “Walt's Journey - 10” in God Does Not Want You to Be in Pain by forum members Eric "Herbie" Watson and Walt Oleksy. The recorded discussion will start at 9:00pm Eastern Time. Phone lines will open about half an hour early for folks to talk beforehand (not recorded). Connection details are as follows:
    • If you're connecting by phone, dial 1 201-479-4595 and when prompted enter the pin code 18311499 followed by the pound symbol.
    • If you're connecting via your computer (Fuze Meeting), go to http://fuze.me/18311499 and follow the instructions from there.
    • Connecting via computer gives you access to a chat room and lets you watch webcams of the hosts. For more information, visit www.tmswiki.org/ppd/connect
    If there are specific topics that you would like us to be sure to emphasize or bring up, let us know by posting below.

    We welcome your feedback on how to improve these discussions. What do you like? What needs improvement? Share your thoughts (anonymously) at http://go.tmswiki.org/podcastfeedback .

    For more information about the discussion group, and to listen to all past recorded discussions, visit www.tmswiki.org/ppd/Call-In_Peer_Discussion_Group .

    These are the penultimate chapters in God Does Not Want You to Be in Pain. (The book's final chapter is the conclusion "TMS P.S." which we will discuss next week).

    In his chapter "Affirmations Work," Eric expands on his previous sections in this chapter, reinforcing important topics such as affirmations, reconditioning, patience, and strength. He also spends some time on focusing, which he used when his father passed away. He concludes his final chapter with eight steps to become pain-free, which include tips such as using awareness and mindfulness, practicing self-compassion and forgiveness, using meditation and visualizations, monitoring and identifying reactions, and being aware of stressors and triggers.

    Walt's chapter, "Faith and Spirituality," talks about the inspiration aspect of TMS healing that comes from having faith, and the different ways to have faith, such as positive thinking. Walt also discusses how we can use faith to overcome fear, which we know fuels TMS. He includes more information about his own religious/spiritual journey and his identity as a Roman Catholic, and how forgiveness played into that journey. Walt also discusses how to increase faith in ways that benefit physical as well as psychological health. The end of his chapter contains different posts from this forum about the role of faith and spirituality in TMS healing, concludes with his and Eric's final thoughts on including the spiritual aspect in their TMS healing book - a decision he says was a no-brainer.
  2. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    I can't believe we are already on the final two chapters (besides the "TMS P.S." that is)! Time flies... @Eric "Herbie" Watson and @Walt Oleksy , care to share your thoughts on your last chapters?
  3. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Asking God to help in TMS healing may not be for everyone, but Herbie and I found it helped us in our TMS healing so we
    recommend it in our book. In my experience, it also helped my sister and a close friend's wife to heal from cancer. They made up their minds not to let it take them and prayed for recovery, and they recovered.

    TMS healing can require a very strong positive mental attitude that we will heal from a physical or emotional symptom. Asking God's help in healing can be considered the ultimate in positive thinking.

    Some people reading our book said they were bothered by the God/Faith aspect. We say in our book that no one has to add that element to their healing techniques, and they can just skip over those sections.

    On the other hand, some others visiting the forums say that they welcomed the God/Faith element and it helped them to heal.

    We also suggest that if asking for God to help heal a person with TMS symptoms, perhaps they can just call it FAITH. Faith that you will heal.
    They could take a spiritual rather than a religious approach.
  4. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    I begin chapter 10 Talking about how we need to really feel our affirmations emotionally. I remember a lady that I was helping over the phone with understanding Tms. She thought she was only supposed to read the Tms books and not actually do the work -- let me explain. She mentioned how she had read all of Sarnos books and Steveos book in just a month, I said "Whoa, slow down some ok" she replied ""That is slow for me" I said in order for you to really understand an affirmation you have to actually feel what you are saying, when you say "I have the peace that passes all understanding" then you have to imagine what that peace feels like and actually cultivate that feeling in your body ok. Now after this she began to understand what positive affirmations can do. Her pain went from extreme to manageable in our first conversation. See, you just need to know the right ingredients and slowing it all down to soak in the sun is a great pace. :)
    I also explain how although I was hurt in my front yard with a real football accident, I should have been better within 6 weeks or so and our bodies are healing machines. I didn't know but my tensive thinking was the culprit that kept me in 25 years of pain.
    I explain how I read all the mind body books that I could get my hands on and healed many, many people while preaching and also worked out and took many many different approaches to wellness but until I got my hands on Dr,Sarnos book "Healing Back Pain" It just didn't click how I could heal myself.
    In this chapter I explain in summary how I finally learned and did just that, healed myself. Hope to hear from you all on the show tomorrow night.
    Bless you

    Ps. Theres a lot more I didn't mention -- tune in to learn and be awesome:)
  5. Becca

    Becca Well known member

    Here is the recording of this past Tuesday's discussion. Great to hear some newer voices on there!

    You can listen to the recording using the nifty audio player below. You can also download the recording as an mp3 by right-clicking on this link (or the link below the player) and choosing to save it to your computer.

    Click here to download the mp3 audio

    Next week, we'll start to wrap up our discussion of God Does Not Want You to Be in Pain with the final chapter in this great book, “TMS P.S.” Check out Forest's announcement thread for more info.

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