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Can anyone help me to decide if Major Depression could be causing my pain

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by nancy, Jan 18, 2025.

  1. nancy

    nancy Well known member

    Looking for opinions on causation of my physical distess in legs and lower back/hips. Thinking back oer the yrs I have been very depressed and lonely. I have been on an antidepressant for yrs now. Cymbalta is also suppose to help with physical pain. My life now warrants depression as I know I will not have any retirement yrs with my son here who is disabled and I am 73 now. I have spoken to others who have said just put him in a Nursing Home. I simply cannot do that. He's in his late fourties ad well aware of life around him. His speech was effected by the stroke at times, he has learned to manage many of life's challenges. We worked on selF dressing and accomplished that. He only has use of his left side so I need to put his sneakers, brace etc. He doesn't give up on improving at all. My distress started yrs ago but after his stroke I am so depressed just thinking about what will happen to him when I can no longer able to walk. I know that's thinking negatively and am working on changing my thoughts. I know I am all over the map with this thread but I only have so much time in the am. Basically I had a hard working husband for 39 yrs but was never loving or caring. That's where my depression started. Between a Rock and a Hardplace. Hope everone's improving with God speed. Nancy
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think this will help you:

    Note the first comment below the video states: "Chronic pain is also very isolating. Which leads to depression" but it can also go in reverse: isolation can lead to depression which leads to chronic pain.

    Depression is considered a TMS equivalent in it's proximity to chronic pain, just like anxiety. Dr. Schubiner even wrote a book called Unlearn Your Chronic Anxiety and Depression.

    Depression is a distraction from what is really happening - things we don't want to face. Hard things. You already know chronic pain or TMS works exactly the same way.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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