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Can Burning Rosacea Pain/Flushing be TMS?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by AlexandraJ99, May 1, 2024.

  1. AlexandraJ99

    AlexandraJ99 New Member

    Hi guys!

    After my second daughter was born I developed rosacea and after a long period of time a doctor helped me figure out the root cause and I have been treating the cause (overgrowth of demodex mites) which has led to a decrease in symptoms. The burning/flushing decreased dramatically and was practically non existent. Suddenly, after a difficult and stressful conversation the flushing and pain came back full force, and actually much worse than before. Before it was a nuisance, and now I am in actual pain. The level of pain can be quite intense and kind of moves around my left cheek/face in a way that doesn't seem to make sense to the condition. As in sometimes I have burning/stinging pain in the absence of any redness and it comes and goes through the day not connected to anything.

    I am starting to wonder if this can actually just be a new manifestation of TMS?

    Any input would be appreciated!

  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hello @AlexandraJ99, and welcome back? For better or worse, right?

    Here I am again with a hit of pragmatism. Mites might be the reason you have symptoms, but the real question is: why are you suddenly susceptible to a so-called "overgrowth" of these mites which are quite common but don't cause problems for most people?

    Demodex infestation is associated with lowered immunity. Stress is also associated with lowered immunity. Rosacea is already well known to be associated with stress.

    Perhaps it's a chicken vs egg question, but my bias in the case of any non-urgent symptom is to always look first at the stress component.

    That sudden flare following an emotional situation was a terrific clue, and good for you for picking up on it!

    You need to go back to your TMS techniques and work on your underlying emotional distress. As always!

    Nicole Sachs is a great resource for common-sense advice about parenting - if you haven't read or listened to her, now's the time! thecureforchronicpain.com
  3. AlexandraJ99

    AlexandraJ99 New Member

    Hi Jan, thank you! Yes I am back but happily solved my original issues with TMS work :) I think my fixation on a problem has led me back here though.

    Interestingly, when this all first started a little over a year ago at this point I was in such a happy place with the birth of my second daughter who was far easier than my first. When I met with the derm, only last week actually, he said hormones change the composition of this skin which can cause these things to grow unchecked.

    However, before I ever had any flushing, the mystery burning sensations that started on one half of my face did arise during an extremely stressful time when I decided to leave my career 4 months ago. My anxiety over that decision increased, and since I am a master of suppressing my feelings, my body turned up the symptoms by giving me hot flashes to get me to pay attention to my emotions. Finally after several weeks of mystery hot flashes my husband helped me realize I had extreme unresolved anxiety/confusion around the decision of leaving my career. Once I realized this, the hot flashes stopped. But during that period of time my fear around the flushing that had started in my face remained and hasn’t left.

    My gut tells me the flushing and mystery burning pain/sensations must be TMS becuse I had “rosacea” longgg before either of these symptoms arose. But I struggle in completely believing it because these symptoms are also consistent with a rosacea diagnosis and did reaolve in large part after treating the mites. I don’t know if my brain is just “remembering” the sensations and keeping them alive and turning them up to keep me fixated on my body even though the root cause is resolving.


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