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Can Spasms be TMS?

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by platypodes, Feb 24, 2022.

  1. platypodes

    platypodes New Member

    Eight years ago I had a surgical procedure on my jaw and have had chronic pain in the incision site (chin) since then. I’m still on the fence as to whether my pain is structural, TMS, or a combination. It’s pretty clear that my muscles are in spasm when the pain is really bad because they twitch and feel very tight. So my question is, can actual spasms be caused by TMS? The other theory is that the scar tissue is pulling on the muscles and thus making them spam. Also, substances that relax the muscles (Ativan, Flexeril) tend to make the pain decrease. In fact, I once went off Flexeril for several months and had to go back on because my pain got so much worse. I’m wondering if anyone else has any insight or experience with muscle spasms.
  2. Celayne

    Celayne Well known member

    Muscle spasms are TMS.
  3. MedicineWithin

    MedicineWithin Peer Supporter

    Spasms can be seen as part of a dysregulation in the nervous system. Emotions, both positive and negative when they are repressed effect the nervous system. Think about the all too common 'eyelid twitch' that people experience. This is usually caused by unacknowledged and unexpressed emotional energy effecting and mostly harmlessly slightly affecting the nervous system. In your case it perhaps has something to do with the stored trauma in your physiology from the surgery which is now perceived as pain. The scar tissue theory sounds off to me. Many people have a lot of scar tissue and that doesn't correlate to pain. It would make sense that muscle relaxants effect the perception of pain because an emotional experience is one that effects muscles, nerves, tendons, ligiments and more. By nature an experience like surgery is dysregulating to the body, some people are effected after, some not. Perhaps you may just need some tools to release the stored tension in the physiology.

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