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Can that be a good approach?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by dIK8Lsf3Bl3y4DTtSWEZ, Oct 28, 2017.

  1. dIK8Lsf3Bl3y4DTtSWEZ

    dIK8Lsf3Bl3y4DTtSWEZ Peer Supporter

    Especially when it comes to chronic pain, I am all for positivity. Yes we can cure ourselves from pain, no matter the cause. We are powerful. We can take matters into our own hands. We don't need doctors anymore to get better once they did what they could. We can and we will get better with our own treatment.

    We all need positivity for our lives. And we also need practices that actually cure us.

    When I do things in spite of pain, I do so because I expect the pain to ultimately go away. I let every doubt about getting healthy go. I will get healthy, there is no doubt.

    But does this work with this method of enduring pain while being positive about it as in "this is a good sign, my body is getting accustomed to normal day activities again. I am on my path to recovery. I am so happy to have found this".

    But if, after some time, there is no real improvement there, what is the conclusion?

    Surely, having a positive mindset helps with your feelings, but what if it doesn't help with your pain or your condition?

    Many say: "well this book is great and that book is great" and if I dig deeper and ask what they like about this, they say "it is being written in a motivating way, it hasn't cured me yet, though".

    Can that be a good approach? If not, what are the alternatives.

    I am in my thirties, many seem to be in their 60ies. It is normal to have ailments then. Maybe in that age, expecting death to happen sooner than later, a feelgood approach helps them survive the day, but I want to actually live my life.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2017
  2. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    The best approach is to live your life. Pretty much all healing derives from finding that place within you that helps you transcend fear and live from your heart. Many people never realise that you don't heal by overcoming your fears (or your pain), you heal by living in spite of it, by becoming more courageous than the things that scare or hurt you.
  3. birdsetfree

    birdsetfree Well known member

    I agree with Plum but also if you truly believe the symptoms are caused by your own mind, there is nothing to fear. If there is nothing to fear then the pain and symptoms lose their power and control and eventually fade away. Temporarily you may have to live with the pain but doing so with authentic indifference, cultivated by the knowledge of the true nature of the symptoms, will resolve it.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2017
    plum likes this.
  4. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes, I believe thinking positively is very important, in that you must develop a basic trust in the method. You must contemplate the truth that it works, and also research/inquire into your doubts. But what is your method?
    Your method has to have a certain practice, which is "thinking psychologically." There are many things you can add to this. But simply thinking positively, in my experience is not enough. The whole engagement is an experiment in which you find your own way to take the basic truths deeper and deeper inside you. Perhaps you need a little more time digging deeper, while knowing that the "positive thinking" part is well developed in you already.

    Wishing you the Best!

    Andy B

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