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Can TMS intensify when you’re onto it?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Dothermo, Nov 8, 2024 at 2:03 AM.

  1. Dothermo

    Dothermo Newcomer

    Hi folks,

    I’m just wondering, can TMS symptoms intensify when you’re onto it? As discussed, mine aren’t pain but things related to protracted SSRI withdrawal, nerve stuff, head stuff, feeling tingles in limbs and feet, somatic fixated fear etc.

    So I have been listening to Dr Sarno’s books on Audible over the past 2-3 days and actually my symptoms were lessening at first - but today I had a massive sudden wave at work, slight blurred vision in one eye, felt like I was on a boat when walking so I didn’t think I was walking straight, lightheadedness, heart palpitations which all led to a sudden panic attack because I thought it was a medical event.

    I went to the Emergency Room, and they said my symptoms were psychosomatic or functional. That was even scarier to hear because I was hoping for a cause and cure.

    But then I realised that these symptoms completely distracted me from almost everything. And I wonder, can TMS fight back and create worse symptoms at first when you start to learn about it?

    (The only other reason I could think of was that I started personal training with exercise yesterday afternoon and that it destabilised my nervous system)

    Thank you.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2024 at 2:56 AM
    darkerrdave likes this.
  2. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes. In fact , there have been few episodes where it does NOT do that.
    I am in a similar process right now and the days where I don't read and write as much, stay centered, I have been getting other weird symptoms.....teeth that have been root canaled hurting, unbearable itching where there is no rash or bite, pain moving to the other side.

    Each day I have been looking at scarier and scarier stuff and apparently my unconscious 5 year old is NOT digging it.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. darkerrdave

    darkerrdave Newcomer

    I am on day 3 of the Sarno audiobook. My main issue is lower back pain. All of a sudden my pain has moved to my upper shoulders and arm. How can this be?

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