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Crunching sounds in ligaments

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Bk1959, Oct 14, 2022.

  1. Bk1959

    Bk1959 Peer Supporter

    One of my biggest triggers is walking. I develop hip, groin, and quad pain. Sometimes after a walk, I feel a crunching that I visualize as the tendons or ligaments in the psoas area. I’m wondering if you still think this could be TMS. It eventually subsides and the area is definitely tight.

    Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts. Thanks -Barbara
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Don't take this personally, but whenever I see a pretty direct request for an opinion about a physical symptom associated with doubt that it is TMS, I am compelled to remind everyone that if you're truly concerned about a physical symptom, you need to consult a health professional in person.

    That being said, if what you're experiencing is actually a normal physiological phenomenon which is perceptually exacerbated by exercise anxiety, a certified personal trainer can help you regain confidence and educate you about noisy ligaments. And assess whether you're hydrating adequately, and/or just need to get out there and do more, among other things.

    As for me, I feel like I've had noisy ligaments in different parts of my body off and on all my life, but I must have learned early on that these things come and go and are simply a function of having a body, which never seems to feel or behave the same way two days in a row. Especially at my age.
    Dorado likes this.
  3. Bk1959

    Bk1959 Peer Supporter

    This is a good reminder. I also have crunching sounds in my knee and will be getting an X-ray soon. There is no pain in the knee, but it sure sounds horrible. Another good reminder that even if there is something structural, doesn’t mean it is painful.

  4. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Ha! You should hear my neck! It sounds SCARY but it's just noise most of the time. Sometimes I can feel the grinding. Why? Because my muscles are so tight! I hold my muscles tight with stress and habit. It's taking a VERY long time to relax them, but it's working. Sometimes there is more noise than others. I just laugh at it, there is nothing to fear.
  5. Ann Miller

    Ann Miller Well known member

    Our bodies make all sorts of cracks and pops. I remember clearly a time when dizziness was a symptom and all of a sudden I started to realize how much my ears were crackling. Off to the ENT I go and of course, there's nothing wrong with my ears. God Bless that doc, because he kindly explained to me that I had just become sensitized to the crackling and once I started to notice it, I continued to notice it. This, he said, was just my brain doing a brain thing. Naturally, his approach helped and I soon didn't notice the crackling so much anymore.
    Years later, on learning full tms knowledge, I remembered this doc. I wish he had been my general internist and orthopedic!

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