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Curious to hear your answers...

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by MedicineWithin, Feb 14, 2024.

  1. MedicineWithin

    MedicineWithin Peer Supporter

    Hello all,

    I was contemplating the tms 'journey' a little yesterday and had some insights come to me regarding the nature of such a path. I would be very curious to hear your responses, and perhaps they may be even revelatory in themselves for you as well. Here are the two questions I found to be quite potent.

    From where you are now in your experience with pain/symptoms what do you feel you need in terms of support?

    What is something in your life that you truly want/need that you feel you do not have?

    If these symptoms were no longer present in your life and experience...What would change in your life, and what would you do?

    Look forward to your thoughts and feelings on the matter.

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2024
    Gigalos likes this.
  2. SSS

    SSS Peer Supporter

    I always feel like these symptoms are what lies between me and a more happy life. But I also know that is a fallacy so I keep trying to live my life as if there are no symptoms.
    ARCUser831 likes this.
  3. ARCUser831

    ARCUser831 Well known member

    You know, I feel that way too, but I've also recognized that when my symptoms are lesser/absent, my mind tends to find something else to fixate on. I really do have mental tendencies that stand in the way of contentment/peace for me. I'm trying to live my life the same way, and trying to view the TMS recovery journey as something that will enrich my life/perspective overall...
    SSS likes this.
  4. ARCUser831

    ARCUser831 Well known member

    I'm curious to see what others say as well. Good post!

    From where you are now in your experience with pain/symptoms what do you feel you need in terms of support?
    I am thankful for this forum and for the many resources out there on TMS work. I have support from my mother, but overall, I really do try not to bring my symptoms into discussion as I recognized early on, that kept my focus on them, and I was seeking externally too much for relief, which was hindering my actual recovery. On my hard days, this thread and rereading passages of the TMS books I've read feel like my main support.

    What is something in your life that you truly want/need that you feel you do not have?
    This is a hard one, mainly because it feels like my life has been one sacrifice or letdown after another. There are many things I want/need but do not have (yet). My partner and I want children, and have been trying but no luck yet. We were going to enter the housing market last year, but it is horrible, so we're resigned to an apartment. There are various relationships in my family I want deeply to be healthier/closer/more fulfilling. Some of these I can work towards, others out of my control. I feel that my emotions on all of these topics serve to keep my symptoms alive and I struggle to dig into those emotions the way I need to in order to heal.

    If these symptoms were no longer present in your life and experience...What would change in your life, and what would you do?
    I think I have slowly been able to find a way to live my life fully in spite of my symptoms. If asked this questions only months ago, I would have said a lot would be different. Now, the only thing that would change is my mental state…I wouldn’t feel so prone to feeling weak and fragile. I would have more confidence to take risks and make changes in my life. Less of an urge to make my world small to keep myself “safe”

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