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Do you perceive this as helpful or harmful?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by dIK8Lsf3Bl3y4DTtSWEZ, Oct 15, 2017.

  1. dIK8Lsf3Bl3y4DTtSWEZ

    dIK8Lsf3Bl3y4DTtSWEZ Peer Supporter

    I just watched

    Do you perceive this as helpful or harmful? What is your take?
  2. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Absolutely helpful, pure Sarno! The mind is the magician. Doctors know the bodymind is the best healer, they just help things along--or keep you worried & in fear. The ER can help to patch you back together through modern day medical carpentry if you get hit by a bus. My gf had life long TMS/asthma from a rough childhood, after accepting TMS as her medical savior, she NO LONGER HAS ASTHMA!--there's your science--stick that in a test-tube. If you observe how your sub-c operates outside of your control it can be quite entertaining.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2017
  3. karinabrown

    karinabrown Well known member

    I am not sure what the question : is what is helpfull or harmfull ? Do you mean if ‘the placebo effect ‘ is real ? It is : this is common knowledge ! You can read many articles and research about it.
  4. dIK8Lsf3Bl3y4DTtSWEZ

    dIK8Lsf3Bl3y4DTtSWEZ Peer Supporter

    He says that the placebo effect does nothing for your body. All it does is it makes you feel better. Apart from this your body stays the same. Now isn't the claim here that the placebo effect is what cures you?
  5. karinabrown

    karinabrown Well known member

    If you mean a placebo cannot make something as a broken arm heal i agree
    ‘Cure’ is a word that can be confusing
    You can have pain but still be healhty
  6. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    That was NOT my interpretation at all! In my view the placebo effect can do a lot and perhaps EVERYTHING for your body in regards to healing it--the MINDBODY is it's BEST doctor! The "UNIVERSAL ARCHITECT", as the Good Doctor has termed him/her, has supplied us with most of the tools to heal ourselves, baring the collective meme of naysayers don't get in the way. Root canals I do leave to dentists--although I once got a life threatening infection called a Ludwig's angina from what I attribute a butcher of a dentist--I would have been better off leaving my jaw too it's own devices--the Hippocratic oath states to do no harm--in this case he did harm.
    Lainey likes this.
  7. Lainey

    Lainey Well known member

    Tennis Tom has it right. Placebos have long been known as effective healing tools, often on par with pharmaceuticals without the negative side effects. Modern drugs are and have been proven very helpful for many medical crises, but each of us has a great ability to help our own bodies move to a healing state. The use of the work placebo implies fake to many people. Placebo is not a fake cure, but a cure that our mindbody believes will lead us to wellness. Once we are healed.........we are healed. Whether it be by a pill/shot/operation or a belief in some other more benign substance, procedure, thought.
    Tennis Tom likes this.
  8. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    No, the people who find this place are here because the medical/industrial/pharmacal complex has failed to find the cause and cure for their chronic pain--no one comes here first--it's the last resort for most. The mindbody is most times it's best healer, whether the causes are structural or psychosomatic/TMS. Dr. Sarno says "TMS is not a placebo,"--his books should be read carefully, word for word--and then read again--the sub-c gremlin likes to play tricks with our senses to maintain its psychological defense mechanism, it believes we need for protection, from facing life's emotional turmoils head-on.
    Lainey likes this.
  9. dIK8Lsf3Bl3y4DTtSWEZ

    dIK8Lsf3Bl3y4DTtSWEZ Peer Supporter

    What does cure you then?

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