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Food intolerance.. need help

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by bronson1111, Jul 5, 2024.

  1. bronson1111

    bronson1111 Newcomer

    I need some help figuring this out.. so I’ve had this intolerance my whole life I am pretty sure. It’s an intolerance to all animal protein (beef, pork, chicken, fish, shrimp, cheese, milk, etc.). As soon as I swallow the protein my face gets flushed, congestion, irritability, fatigue/depression, anxiety, and brain fog.

    I’ve read some TMS practitioners say to ignore the symptoms… well I did this all growing up because I had no idea this was a problem. I just thought being irritable and all the other stuff was normal. I didn’t know until I cut the animal protein out and suddenly I was a new person; happy, sociable, easy-going, and my skin was amazing.

    So I’m trying to figure out why this happens as soon as I eat it… did something happen to me as a child while I was eating these foods? What could cause this kind of life-long reaction? How can I fix this? I’m just so tired.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    @bronson1111, I was hoping that someone who sees themselves in your post might see it and respond, because I've never had food intolerances, and I was very confused by your conflicting statements:
    I've underlined the conflicting statements.

    It might help if we had an idea of how you found this forum and why you are asking for help here. How much do you know about minbody theory, and do you know anything about Dr. John Sarno MD and his theory of what he called TMS? The main website at tmswiki.org has more information about all of this. I suspect that a mindbody approach might be very helpful, but the truth is that every single human being who ever existed could benefit from understanding the mindbody connection and learning how to manage our overly-sensitive physical responses to stress and emotional repression.

    We are also reluctant to give advice unless we know that you've medically ruled out any kind of serious condition which requires standard medical treatment.
  3. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    I also cannot tolerate animal protein either. It took many years to figure out, and frankly I was never concerned about it - but when I had thyroid problems a doctor did some more testing and found it is similar to celiac disease and it was also recommended I stop eating gluten too which I have maintained for 35 years. I had some similar but many different symptoms than you have. I'm a very happy vegan by choice anyway so it's no big deal for me and I don't have any more symptoms. I have my own personal theories about it (that I don't feel the need to discuss here at all)...but I think it comes down to feeling personal power and feeling that this is a choice and not a compromise. I'm happy with my choice and have no symptoms and never have them no matter how stressed I am.

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