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Freedom after all these years of pain...

Discussion in 'Success Stories Subforum' started by ozzyville, Jul 17, 2023.

  1. ozzyville

    ozzyville New Member

    Hi all,

    I've been browsing this forum for years, but I never thought that one day I would write a success story here.

    I think it was 2003 and I had terrible pain in my lower back area and of course I went to the emergency room and they just prescribed me pain killer and sent me home that was all.

    After this, my back pain never went away, only the pain changed place. It always shifted, sometimes on my legs, sometimes on my arms and hips.

    During these years I was living in the United States, but when I returned to my home country, the doctor diagnosed me with ankylosing spondylitis. I didn't have the slightest idea what it was. When the doctor said that this disease would last a lifetime and that recovery was impossible, it affected me very badly. He told me that I would live with this for the rest of my life and that only physical therapy could alleviate some of the pain.

    Of course the pain never went away and I started to search but I couldn't find any cure or method. There were different treatments for back pain, but unfortunately I could not find any treatment other than anti-tnf injections for autoimmune diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis.

    I had read John sarno's book and even tried it on myself, but unfortunately it didn't work for me. Actually, it seemed to work a little at first, but the pain always came back. Along with the pain, depression and fatigue also started in the later periods. Sometimes the pain went away on its own, but it was in a very short time. In the last year, my shoulder has started to freeze and my movements have become even more restricted.

    I think a month ago, while browsing TMS videos on youtube, I saw someone who healed himself with the TMS approach. This person wrote his e-mail address at the bottom of the video and I immediately sent him an e-mail. Because the TMS approach didn't work for me, but someone else got better. this gave me huge hope

    This great person contacted me and we had a conversation with him on the phone and we decided to have a session together.

    His condition was worse than mine because he also had digestive difficulties. His name is rob and I think he's a member here too. He sent me two of his books he wrote. He has helped me tremendously and I am truly grateful to him. I had read in John Sarno's book that suppressed anger causes pain, but I didn't know I had this much suppressed anger before I spoke to Rob.

    Rob played a huge role in bringing out my suppressed emotions and was incredibly helpful in that regard.

    In the last week, 80 percent of my pain has gone. I couldn't imagine how this could happen. I know the other 20 percent will get better too, because I've never felt this before. It's really great to feel like this after years of living a painful life.

    Now I can move more freely. When I walk, I am not as tired as I used to be. My self-confidence came back after many years...

    What I want to tell everyone here is this. Autoimmune diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis may be cured. The TMS approach works. The hard thing for me was believing that ankylosing spondylitis could be cured. But it really works.

    Thank you Rob from the bottom of my heart

    Thank you John Sarno from the bottom of my heart

    Kindest regards

    Julie-Ellen, map76, BloodMoon and 2 others like this.
  2. theacrobat

    theacrobat Peer Supporter

    That's great Ozzyville. Thanks for sharing your amazing success story here. Btw this is Rob Ensor, the acrobat is my TMS wiki username. It was a pleasure working with you. You have shown a lot of courage and out of the box thinking to improve so quickly! I am very proud of you. If anyone else wants to get in touch or ask me a question, you can message me here on the forum.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Great post, @ozzyville, thank you! Rob's story is also a really good one, I remember from some weeks(?) (months? :eek:) ago, and we had an interesting discussion then about the TMS connection to autoimmune conditions (I'm a believer, based on my own experience with RA).

    Your experience just goes to show how individual our TMS journeys are. You were clearly primed to understand and accept the information, but it took one person's unique perspective to break down the final barriers that your TMS brain was trying to keep in place. Great work!
    theacrobat and ozzyville like this.
  4. ozzyville

    ozzyville New Member

    Thanks rob it was also my pleasure to work with you too. You the man by the way :)

    Thank you @JanAtheCPA.

    Rob's point of view worked for me. I think the fact that we both suffer from the same disease had a big impact. English is my second language and I'm not very good at it, but Rob patiently listened to me and explained everything in a way I could understand. This guy is definitely good at it. It was a great luck for me that we had the same disease also.

    Best Regards

    Mala, map76, JanAtheCPA and 1 other person like this.
  5. theacrobat

    theacrobat Peer Supporter

    Btw I wanted to say, ahead of our upcoming interview on the TMS Roundtable (Tuesday 19th September 21:00 Israel time) that Ozzy discovered me via my interview with Dr. Tovah Goldfine on the TMS roundtable. So this would not have happened the way it did without Tovah and the roundtable.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  6. Mala

    Mala Well known member

    Just saw that interview & was really very impressed. Here's the link.

  7. theacrobat

    theacrobat Peer Supporter

    thanks @Mala

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