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frustration of healing

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by joyous_healing, Mar 1, 2025.

  1. joyous_healing

    joyous_healing New Member

    The title pretty much says it all. I have been feeling really frustrated this past week about my healing and the back and forth of it,, mostly because I am exhausted by the pain. last week I I had a profound experience where for 4 days straight I felt nearly no pain at all. (typically I have some form of back, hip, foot, leg pain or a combo of it all) but for 4 days I felt nothing and I was more consistently active than I had been I think in years. I biked, I swam, I built a walkway in my yard, I walked and I was elated. Once I was back to my normal qwork week the tension that has been persistent in my foot up through my leg and into my hip returned and I feel like I took two steps forward one step back. I am trying to REVEL in the fact that I was pain free through so much activity but I can't help but be frustrated.
    What happened? what went wrong? why am I back in this place again?
    I know I should be using those 4 days as proof that I am okay and a part of me really does feel that but I can't help but return to frustration as my pain hinders me from movemtn again.
    Any tips on how to get through the ups and downs that come along with slowly healing??
    Thanks yall!!
    Jimmy Todd, Mr Hip Guy and JanAtheCPA like this.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    The fact you had 4 days of little pain is AMAZING! It proves this method works.
    However, when pain returns, keep doing the work. Don't give up. That's pretty much the way this method works.
    What went WRONG? Why am I back HERE again?
    Ohhhhh, pressure to be perfect! To be able to work without any discomfort and just skate through the day of work.
    There is a great topic and focus. Why can I relax outside of work? What about work, and my mindset, stress and thoughts creates tension? That's great fodder for journaling.
    What does this feeling remind you of from your past that sometimes returns in the current? Personality, past experience etc. where might there be triggers.
    Notice that "frustration" = anger. What about this makes you angry? Yourself? The process? The disappointment in being unable to default back to your old habits without pain? Or is it simply that your brain associates pain and work together.
    So much to unpack.
    Keep going, this is all part and parcel of the deal. It may happen over and over again, but those are simply opportunities to be reminded about the work until it becomes your default.
    Remind yourself you are fine, just in pain, but otherwise just fine.
  3. feduccini

    feduccini Well known member

    Well nothing, it's just the brain searching for danger, as it does during healing. 4 days of no pain is a fantastic proof of safety you're now able to use.
    Jimmy Todd, JanAtheCPA and HealingMe like this.
  4. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

    I’ve stopped trying to find the answers to these questions when something flares. After a solid year of recovering and applying different methods I learned along the way, my symptoms never stick around anymore for more than a day if they ever come up. Sometimes I can figure out what’s been happening to trigger them, however most of the time I don’t. Trying to figure it out would tick me off even more so I stopped doing that. I just write some things down, or do some EFT tapping to release my emotions, and move on. Over time your brain learns there’s no danger. Staying consistent is KEY.

    It took kindness and patience toward myself to get to this place. So be kind to yourself. Your brain is just trying to protect you, that’s all.

    Jimmy Todd, Mr Hip Guy and JanAtheCPA like this.
  5. Mr Hip Guy

    Mr Hip Guy Well known member

    That's a pretty strong line-item to add to your evidence sheet. I know if I had that, I would put it down, bold it and capitalize it and look at it every time I reviewed the evidence sheet.

    Like others said above, flares and relapses definitely happen and it's unfortunate - but sometimes they're a sign that you have it "on the run" and you can find some hope in that.
    HealingMe, JanAtheCPA and Jimmy Todd like this.
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Just repeating some key points, well-explained by @HealingMe :)
    HealingMe likes this.

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