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HIP PAIN and abnormalities YAY

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Bananas00, Oct 25, 2023.

  1. Bananas00

    Bananas00 Peer Supporter

    Hello hello,

    Here I am again, I have recently posted about a pain relapse but I am starting a new one since it's a new thing (yay!).

    So I am a 36 YO woman, very active.

    Lately I was training for a marathon and suffered an injury, that my physiotherapist first described as a trochanter bursitis, and inflammation of the gluteus medius and piriformis muscle. That created a sensation of burning and pinch nerve in my right hip.

    Since then, I have consulted with a sport physician, who sent me for XRAYS, which showed a Femoroacetabular impingement and osteoarthritis of both hips. It is a physical abnormality presenting as a non-spherical osserous priminence of the proximal femoral neck or head-neck junction. (FAI). I also have osteoarhritis at the young age of 36 Y/O,which is very rare according to my doctor.

    It is seen as a potential precursor and contributor to hip pain in the adult population and idiopathic hip osteoarthritis. Patients with FAI are known for chronic, deep, or aching anterior groin pain during activity.

    So I was presented with my options: anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroid injections, and if it doesnt help, SURGERY. Since it is considered a structural issue, apparently the options are quite limited.

    Weird fact; My left hip is apparently worse than my right and only my right hip hurts.

    ANYWAYS. So I am left with invasive options and I wonder whether TMS principles could be applied in this case or if I am kind of stuck with this prognostic....

    I want to return to my sports practice more than anything :(

    Comments, anyone? Anyone in this particular situation?
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2023

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