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How to break out of this cycle?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Blossom, Feb 24, 2016.

  1. Blossom

    Blossom New Member

    Hi, I've made a lot of progress with my physical pains and even my chronic fatigue to some degree. Something I keep getting stuck on is my frequent 'crashes'.

    One of my biggest symptoms is sensitivity to sound, I also have some damage to my ear canals so they are larger now which I think keeps me stuck on the issue (i have a collagen issue which makes the cartilage softer). I think because of this physical issue I see my ears as being vulnerable. I've been pushing myself to go to places I wouldn't normally - restaurants, pubs, busy streets, I have fun whilst I'm out, it's after that I totally crash, I feel bombarded and want to get away from any sensory stimulation. I hide away in my bedroom just wanting to be on my own. I feel on edge and hypervigilant and my ears scream with tinnitus. I'm not really sure how I can break out of this cycle. I'm doing the journaling work, I have weekly sessions with a tms psychotherapist and I'm currently doing a course in EFT. Has anyone had similar experiences with crashes?
  2. Ftaghn!

    Ftaghn! Peer Supporter

    I had two years-ish worth of hyperacusis and crashes. At that time, I didn't know TMS, but I followed the regular hyperacusis advice -- be listening to something all the time. And it worked for me, but it did take some time. Back then, the one thing that would cause my hyperacusis to crash was midterms and finals, a pattern that my TMS now follows.

    Just gotta live with the painful ears/jaws for a while, but it gets better as your hearing develops tolerance. I sympathize with you -- hyperacusis is by far one of the most panic-inducing feelings, but it's actually very common in people who get tinnitus (also very common now). That said, it nearly always fades with time if you expose yourself to sound.

    Edit: Just realized I answered nearly the exact thing to another one of your posts a while back!
  3. Eve

    Eve Peer Supporter

    Hi blossom

    I have been experiencing one crash after another these last few months. I also pushed myself into doing activities not fearing the physical dips afterwards. I never watched my activity levels and never listened to my body. I thought that doing the emotional work alone would be the key to recovery and that it didnt require any pacing attitude. i was wrong..
    For physical pain pushing through can be good but for cfs sufferers i am now convinced that this is not the way to achieve sustainable health.
    I just found this link on the optimum health clinic site specialised in treating cfs.
    Yes, cfs has a psychological component but we may not forget that our battery is depleted and that using up more energy than you have is bound to give crashes.
    I think the video will help you understand
    Hope it helps
  4. Blossom

    Blossom New Member

    I think with CFS the crashes are maybe our bodies in a way protesting that these are our needs and we need to take time for ourselves. This is maybe particularly strong in those who have weak boundaries and a people pleaser (that would be me too|)

    but also think, and I suppose can only speak for myself, it can also manifest in really self sabotaging way. For instance if i have fun, I then have a huge crash after wards!
  5. Lynn P.

    Lynn P. Newcomer

    Hi Blossom
    I've had CFS/Fibro for over 20 years. I definitely have crashes like you...where after an evening of too much activity (sounds and lights)... I just need to be by myself and have total quiet. I try to pace but I feel the same... That is whenever I'm having fun, I crash afterwards. Self sabotage? I think we need to look at that. Thanks for your post. Lynn

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