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I forgot how happiness is

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by tinker, Dec 27, 2023.

  1. tinker

    tinker Newcomer

    I'm a 24 years old with a permanent urge to pee all the seconds of my life for one year. It literally never goes away. I forgot how it is to be happy. How to wake up and plan things and not suffering. I'm so tired. This feeling has stuck with me and I never have a single second of relief. After urinating is the same... Of course done all the tests and all are normal.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hello @tinker. Do you have a question for us? If so, it would be helpful if you tell us how you found our forum and why you decided to post here. The subject line of your post certainly indicates that you are suffering emotionally as a result of your physical distress - and we are here for that reason, which is to discuss the connection of our mental and emotional health to our physical health.

    Do you have any knowledge of what we call TMS and of Dr. John Sarno? Can you tell us how your particular emotional and mental situation is connected to your physical distress?
  3. tinker

    tinker Newcomer

    Thank you so much for you reply! After one year of not finding a right diagnosis for my problem I did my own research and I found that there is a possibility that what I experience is TMS. Many doctors said IC or hypersensitivity of the bladder but my symptom doesn't really fit to any diagnosis. I have a lot of fear since this started and I can't find a day when im not stressed about my condition. This urge that I feel permanently is stressful and I can't concentrate to anything.Im also scared that it won't go away and I have to live with this terrible thing forever. I would like to see what could be the next steps I could follow if this is TMS. The doctors want me to do invasive treatments which I really want to avoid since there is no test that proves that I have a problem.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    So, I guess that you have no knowledge about Dr John Sarno? That's the first place to start. I suggest that you read his third book, The Mindbody Prescription. Then go to our main website at tmswiki.org, find the free Structured Educational Program in the menu, and start doing it.

    For your anxiety, the second book you definitely want to read is Hope and Help for Your Nerves, by Claire Weekes. It is the second book that saved me, and thousands of others over many decades since she wrote it.

    The good news is that you've been medically checked out, and you suspect TMS, which very likely means you are right! Many people have recovered from IC and many other symptoms once they addressed the emotional connection to their pain. Let us know if you have specific questions about doing the work.

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