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I know the pain in my forearms is TMS- but is the hand stiffness also TMS?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by AlexandraJ99, Sep 12, 2023.

  1. AlexandraJ99

    AlexandraJ99 New Member

    Hi there,

    I have developed tendonitis in both forearms and hands immediately following the covid vaccine in March of 2021. I saw a million doctors and had tons of blood tests, everything came back normal and was determined to just be tendonitis. I have dealt with pain on and off in both forearms and finally realized last year the pain turned into TMS pain. I have been able to resolve the pain through working with a chronic pain PT and gradient exercise.

    BUT the one thing still plagues me scares/frustrates me the most, is the hand stiffness I wake up with after "overdoing" it. i.e. I push myself too hard in physical therapy, or I do too much grip training, etc.

    I have a very mild trigger finger in both pinky fingers and just generalized tendon stiffness in my hands that is worse upon waking. If I completely rest and do not do any strenuous actives with my hands, the stiffness goes away, if I "overdo" it the stiffness comes back. I have zero pain in my hands.

    Am I having a hard time believing the stiffness can be TMS and not be structural. Although, I know I have TMS pain in my forearms and my forearms are connected to my hands so maybe it can be TMS??
  2. MWsunin12

    MWsunin12 Beloved Grand Eagle


    Since the doctors are calling it all "tendonitis," then it is most likely all TMS.

    Your apprehension about what it could be is keeping you walking with a foot in each world: one where you're going for PT and the other where you want to believe in TMS.

    As long as you are going to PT, you are sending your brain the message that something is literally wrong with you and needs treatment.

    the TMS principles is that...yes, you do feel the pain....but it is your brain sending you signals of pain...not a structural or muscular issue.

    I think it would really help you to watch Dan Buglio's "Pain Free You" videos on YouTube. He is very good at explaining how your belief system is crucial to healing.

    What helped me cross out of thinking I needed a physical treatment is to say to myself daily, "I am 100% willing to believe that this is psychological." That kept my brain from constantly searching for a remedy.

    You have to commit to the TMS belief for your brain to relax.

  3. AlexandraJ99

    AlexandraJ99 New Member

    I think the reason I am struggling is not because the primary symptom I feel is pain, but stiffness. I know the forearm pain I experience is curable with my mind I have done the work to cure it. But the residual stiffness seems to remain when I start being active again.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is a "Yes, But..." answer. I call this YBS, or Yes, But... Syndrome. And like so many conditions which incorporate the word Syndrome, it's just another example of the TMS brain mechanism at work.

    @AlexandraJ99, in order to recover from TMS, it's essential to understand and fully accept that all physiological sensations in our bodies are created in our brains. This is a neuroscientific fact. Therefore, it doesn't matter what sensations you are feeling in any areas of your body at any given moment in time - they have all been generated by your brain. Most of the sensations that we experience, day in and day out, are necessary and useful. The TMS-generated ones are not. Our job is to recognize the unnecessary TMS sensations.

    Thus, there is no distinction between pain and stiffness. It's really that simple!

    This attempt to create a distinction is really an attempt by your fearful TMS brain to keep you stuck and in fear. All you have to do is have compassion for it, and for yourself, and gently but firmly reject it, in favor of the belief that you don't need to worry about it.
    MWsunin12 likes this.
  5. AlexandraJ99

    AlexandraJ99 New Member

    Thank you! I was hoping for a clear and concise response like, "Thus, there is no distinction between pain and stiffness. It's really that simple!". I so appreciate your detailed response, that was very helpful.
    fridaynotes, MWsunin12 and JanAtheCPA like this.

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