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IBS symptoms but i have a Celiac disease - ? TMS

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by raglangirl, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. raglangirl

    raglangirl New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I discovered Dr Sarno's work within the last year as like you all i was desperately seeking answers to my own symptoms. I hope it's ok to share my story and ask for help, any advice would be so much appreciated :)

    For the last two years i have had loose and frequent stools nearly every morning which has led to horrible anxiety which is affecting all areas of my life.

    Three years ago i had a bout of horrible gastroenteritis which happened at the same time as i was due to have a big non TMS operation which was really stressful. A year later i ended up in hospital with a rare infection (post surgery) and had a months worth of antibiotics which i think really stressed my gut. This is when the loose stools started and i was finally diagnosed with Celiac disease.

    I have been strictly gluten free for two years now and my recent endoscopy showed aside from Celiac disease my gut was clear. My antibodies in my blood are still elevated and my immune cells are low (and have been for a few years now). I have worked with a dietitian and tried every IBS modification diet you could think of, had EMDR therapy, CBT, hypnotherapy and tried meditation to name a few.

    I cannot see how these ongoing symptoms can be the Celiac disease especially as my endoscopy was clear?That's when i found Dr Sarno's work and thought that it could be the stress within and around me. I do not work and am socially isolated, i have no idea what i am going to do with my life now that i am well enough (recovered from non TMS surgery) to work. I don't know how i will afford to work, rent and live and do not know where to start. There are lots of family issues also which have and still take their toll.

    So my question is, could my symptoms be down to stress and not the celiac disease? It's hard to rule out the physical when you know you have a diagnosis of an autoimmune disease.

    I do journal and try relaxation and am currently working through Alan Gordon's recovery programme.

    Any advice would be so much appreciated. Thank you :)
  2. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    My cousin who suffered from similar symptoms for decades, went on dairy and gluten--free diet and is totally healthy now.
    raglangirl likes this.
  3. EileenS

    EileenS Well known member

    Answer to your question, YES!!! You start the day with self imposed anxiety (I know what this is like as I used to start my day just as you describe.) Being socially isolated has been proven to be a huge stressor not just by Dr Sarno. Then you have all the other stresses you mention.

    I suggest starting the SEP program on this site. Also, try to find someone to talk to your situation about. You need to reach out to people and ask for help to prove to yourself that you are not alone and to help see how to move forward. Don't wait to feel better before taking action. Action always comes first.

    Lastly, I hope you are taking a high quality probiotic. Go to a health food store and ask for their advice on one. Don't just buy what's in the drug store. My husband and I both had bad gas issues with the P&G brand Align.
  4. raglangirl

    raglangirl New Member

    thats great to hear thank you :)
  5. raglangirl

    raglangirl New Member

    I am so sorry for the late reply but i do appreciate your reply! You are so right, i do start my day in a state of fear and the what is today going to bring. Its been much worse lately, awaiting more tests so we will see what that brings up, if anything. I did try a high quality probiotic but no luck i am afraid its so frustrating.

    Thank you though for your advice :)
  6. westb

    westb Well known member

    Just to let you know that you are not alone. IBS is one of my main symptoms and seems to be purely stress triggered. It started about 7 years ago following a very lengthy and painful course of treatment for a lower back injury. The back is fine now but the IBS has lingered. I have had an endoscopy and other tests which were clear. I don't have celiac disease but when I stopped eating gluten there was a definite improvement in the IBS. I can't seem to tolerate probiotics in supplement form but I do take kefir (it's yummy!).

    I have the personality type that Sarno describes, anxious and perfectionist and like you I live alone and over the past
    years I too have become socially isolated, due mainly to the severity of the IBS and my consequent anxiety. I've had a bit of an epiphany recently and have started to go out and about more in the last 2 weeks and it's helped my anxiety levels so much, though I always check where the bathroom is before I go! I'm also booked in to see a therapist. I'm just tired of living like this.

    I would echo the advice to reach out for help and to find someone to talk to about what you are going through. I like Alan Gordon's program a lot and, yes, the SEP is another good possibility.

    Even if your tests do indicate that there is also a physical problem then using the TMS tools laid out here alongside any other treatment prescribed would greatly benefit you in moving forward.

    All the very best to you. xx
    raglangirl likes this.
  7. raglangirl

    raglangirl New Member

    Thank you so much for your reply i really do appreciate it and sorry for the late response.

    That is fantastic news you are going out more, well done you i can empathise with how hard that must be but it sounds like you are doing great. I hope working with a therapist things will improve for you even further, it sounds like you have been through alot.

    Thank you for your support, i am speaking to my therapist tomorrow but regardless even having a medical condition like Coeliac i can still implement the TMS theory and work you're so right!

    I hope things continue to improve for you too, very best wishes x
    westb likes this.

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