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Importance of believing it’s 100% TMS

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Mctopher, Jul 4, 2024.

  1. Mctopher

    Mctopher New Member

    I Have CRPS in my left wrist since about eight months. It has slowly gotten better. But now, since one month, I have a burning/itchy sensation in my whole body. Also, my muscles are having small tremors. I am working on the TMS aspect. But I am continuing to see a neurologist and rheumatologist to rule out more and more rare things. Since the symptoms are getting worse, my mind keeps convincing me that they could potentially be something physically wrong that I’ve missed.
    I would love opinions. In order to heal, I have to give up the physical route? Or I can continue to cover both sides? By continuing to see doctors and working on my inner trauma and mindfulness at the same time.
    Thank you
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

  3. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    It is very common to experience new symptoms or even return of the symptoms after seeing some improvements. Dr. Sarno calls it "extinction bursts". A change of location in your symptoms is truly an indication that your CRPS is not a structural problem, but is a mental problem. I experienced a lot of those myself and wrote about it in the book extensively. There is nothing wrong about seeing neurologists or rheumatologists to rule things out. The caveat is that by doing so you may be tricking your subconscious or even conscious mind into losing your confidence in TMS. Doubt is your main enemy, it fuels your symptoms. One month is a very short time when you are re-wiring your brain. I would suggest giving your TMS routine another month.
    HealingMe and Mctopher like this.
  4. Mctopher

    Mctopher New Member

    Thank you for your answer. Yes I read about the extinction bursts in your book. Your book motivated me to get on the TMS path.

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