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Intro, TMS physician or therapist or self-help first?

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by jt99, Apr 18, 2017.

  1. jt99

    jt99 New Member

    Hi! First post!

    After reading a couple of Sarno's books over the last couple years, I'm finally digging in and really working through Schechter's MindBody Workbook. I'm a long-time chronic pain sufferer and have considered TMS for a while, but never fully committed to an every day practice of working through it from a TMS perspective.

    My history is that I've had a variety of pain issues, some that come and go, others that came and stayed. At some point in the past every piece was looked at but for some it has been a while. My issues include coccydynia, gluteal and hamstring pain, tendonitis (knee, arms, wrists), foot pain (metatarsalgia and something else I don't have a name for), numbness in hands and feet, migraines, and, most recently, hyperacusis and tinnitus in my ears. For most of these I have had multiple doctors try to help, including various scans, anti-inflammatories, steroid shots, nerve blocks, and LOTS of physical therapy. Never has anything definitive been found (other than suspected muscle imbalances which lead to all that PT which never helped and sometimes hurt). Also, reading Sarno and Schechter, I am a classic TMS personality, matching nearly every trait, and have a variety of difficult emotional issues from my past (some of which have been kicked up in the present).

    So in addition to working through the workbook, I'm thinking about trying to talk with a TMS-focused physician or therapist. What would you all recommend? Best to add a physician or therapist to the mix at this point for me? A doctor would require travel (there's one w/in a 2.5hr drive so I can get help with that), therapist would prob be phone or skype.

    Very appreciative of the time and care people take here.
  2. Kylin Foster

    Kylin Foster Peer Supporter

    Hi Julie!
    I would continue going on TMS recovery page and reread books! Mind-body prescription, unlearn your pain, the power of now, there's so many good ones I can send you a reading list if you would like. Also something super great is mediating every day! The app headspace is great for that and you can download it right on your smart phone.

    Anyways I would see if your hospital has a pain management department with a pain psychologist on board. When I was management to pain management the pain psychologist I went to see had actually treated people with chronic pain before. Make sure the pain psychologist you try to see is familiar with the TMS approach because some just help you manage the pain rather than heal it. A therapist would be good too if you can't find a pain psych near you!
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2017
  3. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Highly recommend seeing a TMS physician first for an accurate objective dx that evaluates your emotional history as well as the structural. This may be all you need to convince you it's TMS. If that's not enough, then the TMS therapist, the TMS physician can probably refer to one he works with. The TMS dx is probably all you will need, a 2.5 hour drive is well worth it, think of it as a vacation.

    I assume you've found the "how to find a TMS practitioner" page here.
  4. Kylin Foster

    Kylin Foster Peer Supporter

    how do you find a TMS physician? is that the same as seeing a pain psychologist?
  5. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

  6. MindBodyPT

    MindBodyPT Beloved Grand Eagle

    a TMS physician can formally diagnose you with TMS (and rule out if you have any true structural issues)...could give peace of mind if you're unsure of your diagnosis. A pain psychologist or TMS therapist will help you work through the TMS issues, emotions, uncover unconscious origins of rage, etc.
  7. Steve Ozanich

    Steve Ozanich TMS Consultant

    Self help first, as long as you've been cleared from danger. Also, the notion that you need outside help is part of the problem. When you think that way it becomes your new reality, as in "I can't do this." SFPS, self fulfilling prophecy syndrome. When you say "I can do this" then you can do it. However, when you finally realize that it's all about connection, with self and the outside world then you might fill that need with a professional. But only you can heal you, and only with the correct information. People fill our needs in many ways, so you have to decide what you need, information or connection?

    jt99, Tennis Tom and Benjiro like this.

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