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Is it ok to do an exercise for strengthening tendonds on TMS protocol?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by danijel1998, Jun 10, 2024.

  1. danijel1998

    danijel1998 New Member

    Hi everyone, i wanted to check with you if it’s ok to do a strengthening exercise while doing the tms protocol?

    I had a lot of success since starting TMS protocol 2 months ago with various symptoms but i started going to gym and i am getting some pain between the shoulder blades from an old injury. It’s like a tearing sensation and i actually never worked out after initial injury so i assume those muscles are very weak.

    What do you think?
  2. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think you need to re-read Sarno's work...'Old injuries' are TMS..the body heals ANYthing in six weeks....and it is very common for TMS to MOVE when you start doing something about it. a few weeks after I recovered my knee gave out climbing into a lift..but as I had studied Sarno pretty intensely I only laughed because I knew it was the same shit trying to put on a new disguise..and it went away in one or two days...as I kept reading and reading and relearning.

    I have known ZERO people whose TMS didn't try to move right after they began to recover...but if you still believe in 'Old injuries' you better keep reading and re-educating. ..and working out. HARD.
    HealingMe and backhand like this.
  3. Overuse cat

    Overuse cat Newcomer

    This is where I always get tripped up. Tendon injuries take 12 months to heal, How do I reconcile that with the thought that I'm already healed when I'm 7 months into my injury.
  4. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

    Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU for this reminder. This couldn't have come at a better time for me. My mind is, excuse my language, f****g with me for the last couple days since an intense workout apparently made my 'old' injury sore. My symptoms slightly flared up the next day and are toying with me. It doesn't help that I'm exhausted the last couple of days from bad sleep, so naturally I'm blaming that too. SO I'm looking internally and reflecting. I'm having a lot of life changes right now (new dog, recent death of a family member on my husband's side, coming off medication, and I realized I'm also stressed about how intense the heat will be this summer!!). Been journaling. Rereading everything. And generally living my life. You're right. It IS the same shit. And it moves around. If it's not my hip/groin, it's my wrist, then my knee, or my toe. BONKERS. It really does make you want to laugh. I'm going to continue to go HARD when I workout. There's nothing wrong with me!!
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  5. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Said... the 'Medieval medical Mythologists' to quote Sarno.
    A young man I knew well accidentally CUT the tendon in his thumb completely. he had the surgery to re-attach it , and not being fettered by the aforementioned Old wives tales, was back managing his store and playing basketball in about 2 months.
    My son tore the one (and broke the bone) that holds your foot up...he was back at competition level cycling as soon as the bone healed , and that was with steel rods inserted. ...couple months?

    It is only people who want to have long term issues who have them. They tend to latch on to the scariest diagnoses and the people who give scary diagnosis.... I know. I used to be like that. I knew EVERYTHING a person could learn about my body...and was a cripple. Then I read Sarno and took him at his word.....to quote someone I listened to today, "Where else am I gonna Go" (they said it more colorfully)

    I started challenging myself as soon as I could, and usually before any pain left, and I have suffered zero negative repercussions in 25 years of this crap.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  6. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    and that right there is the beginning of the healing. That kind of wisdom is buried in all of us, just sometimes we need a little 'oomph' from our friends...every time I have been 'tricked' again, there is a list like the one you made..sometimes longer...sometimes shorter, but I don't want to acknowledge how powerfully something that most people would blow off, has affected me.

    Each one of those things you listed has like 4 or 5 things hidden inside it. I always go and work out and PREPARE what I am gonna talk to myself about before the workout...which means I need to be alone. I probably sound like someone with Tourettes. Don't want to scare the other people or the kids at the park (LOL)
    JanAtheCPA and HealingMe like this.
  7. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

    Preach! I was going through the last couple days pushing away and blowing off/ignoring all these life things thinking, ha! I’m fine! There’s nothing there, normal people move on! Yeah right. Stuff like this deeply affects me. Anyway, tonight I added more life events to the 3 lists I keep that I started with the SEP. I journaled, felt the emotions, ended the session with something I am grateful for today, and felt a weight come off my shoulders. My symptoms calmed down. This stuff is powerful. It works.

    I’m so glad that have found so many great people here like you! This community, discovering Sarno, has saved my life.
    Ellen, JanAtheCPA and Baseball65 like this.
  8. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yeah and the so-called experts told my grandmother in the 1950s that she should confine herself to a wheelchair for the rest of her life life after suffering a massive hemorrhage and losing a lung to TB, because she couldn't expect to engage in even mild physical activity from then on. According to my mother she called total BS on that, and although I was only five when this happened, all of my many cherished memories are of an active grandmother who gardened and cooked and who took a long walk every day, and who survived another 20 years into her late 80s. There was certainly no wheelchair around.

    After writing that, and reflecting fondly on how my belief in the power of self-healing comes from excellent role models, I decided to look up how long it takes tendons to heal. Where the heck does 12 months come from? Either that's extremely outdated or you actually meant to say weeks, because the consensus is that injured tendons heal somewhere between 2 to 3 months, so even 12 weeks is considered to be the outside range. And, obviously, it totally depends on the type, extent and location of the tendon injury.

    Perhaps you are also confusing "healing" with regaining full strength - which is completely different. And again, belief in recovery and proactive activities to get there will lead to much faster recovery of full strength compared to someone sitting around waiting for it to happen. The pro athletes and their trainers know this.
    HealingMe, Baseball65 and BruceMC like this.
  9. SteveW

    SteveW Peer Supporter

    To lend credence to this- I’m about 3 weeks into the TMS protocol. Heading out to vacation tomorrow which is a stressor. My knee royally hurt when I crouched down for something. I told me wife that this 100 percent was TMS.
    Baseball65, JanAtheCPA and HealingMe like this.
  10. danijel1998

    danijel1998 New Member

    Thank you so much for this. I have read your message but didn’t have time to respond to it. Anyways since i have read it i literally got better and the tearing sensation went away within a day… I will get back to a workout routine tomorrow although i will start slowly as dr. Sarno suggested. Thanks again!
    HealingMe, ValkyrKai and Baseball65 like this.
  11. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    How many of us are the "medical expert" among our friends and/or family?

    Latching on to the scariest diagnoses and not letting them go. Yes, yes.

    Until we do. And then Hurrah!
    HealingMe, SteveW and Baseball65 like this.

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