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@JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle on The Cure For Chronic Pain

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Cactusflower, Jun 7, 2024.

  1. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    What an important discussion @JanAtheCPA and @Nicole J. Sachs LCSW have had on the Cure for Chronic Pain (available on all podcast platforms)

    It is the intersection between medical or "structural" and TMS - which is where I've personally found myself, although I don't often mention it because I've seen this type of discussion highly judged (and that's the last thing you need when you are dealing with TMS).

    It is quite well known now in the medical world that stress and anxiety do effect any kind of symptom. "Chronic Pain is an epidemic of Fear" - you can deal with illness and non-chronic pain, and medically caused chronic pain and have a full and meaning full life. That means dealing with many of our personality traits like anxiety, perfectionism (not feeling ANYTHING at all), external stress, internal stress ....and you can STILL have a diagnosis but be symptom free. Jan has RA, but she is pretty much symptom free. She takes medication, but employs all of her TMS arsenal in combination and doesn't freak out and worry about it. She lives life!

    What a wonderful role model.

    Thank-you Jan!
    BruceMC, Ellen, TG957 and 3 others like this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Wow, thank you for this terrific write-up, dear Cactusflower!

    We recorded that more two months ago and it had to be bumped because of the many things going on for Nicole this spring, so I just told her not to worry about trying to tell me ahead of time, since her show is in my feed anyway. I was actually surprised to realize that today's episode was me! I just finished listening to it, whew!
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    On a side note, I must have been incredibly distracted by talking with Nicole because I was rather horrified, within minutes of completing our recording, to realize that I never mentioned the fact that Dr Schecter had recommended that I get some help from a TMS practitioner, and he recommended a California-base LCSW who had previously been with Alan's clinic. I've been engaged in "coaching" with her since the summer of 2020. (I'm not allowed to use the "t" word because of cross-state licensing laws). Anyway, working with her has been incredibly helpful and she is tough on me and challenges me, which not all mental health practitioners can do. We met every week for a year, bi-weekly since then. I'm a big advocate of one-on-one professional help.
    TG957 and Diana-M like this.
  4. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    what do I search to pull up that podcast? I just bought new headphones today so I can hear podcasts at work. Love to hear this one.

    Nichole Sachs? 'cure for chronic pain' ? whenever I search stuff it gives me way too many results unless I have it 'right'
    TG957 likes this.
  5. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    I use Audioboom to listen, just search “cure for chronic pain audioboom”
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    A quick pod primer:

    Whether you're searching on the web, or in your music service (Spotify or Amazon or iTunes) or within the "add a subscription" section of a dedicated podcast app, you just need to know the title of the pod, in this case The Cure for Chronic Pain with Nicole Sachs. If you're doing a web search you also need to add "podcast" to your search or yes, you'll get WAY too many Nicole hits!

    Or, as @Cactusflower says, just go to www.audioboom.com, and put the title in the search feature under their drop-down menu (upper-right on my phone browser).

    If you use a dedicated podcast app and you'd like to be notified about new episodes for any show, subscribe to it so new ones show up in your feed. The default of these apps is to download all new episodes, but I always change that. I can always choose to download a particular episode if I want to listen without data service.

    On Amazon, I'll get notifications by "following" a show, but I find Amazon to be really annoying for podcasts and I've turned off most of their notifications anyway. They do have a pretty good collection of ad-supported shows that are somehow ad-free on Amazon, which makes it somewhat worthwhile for some of the more commercial shows but that's not an issue with any of our mindbody pods.

    Since the demise of the blessedly simple, always synced-up Google Podcasts (RIP to yet another another useful tool) I've switched to Antennapod. It doesn't sync between devices (nor do any others since GP was killed) but I like everything else about it, and it's open source. They apparently don't need monetary donations (I tried) but they are always looking for volunteers with programming expertise.
    Baseball65 likes this.
  7. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Jan is an amazing role model in each and every way! She is the guardian angel of this forum, the irreplaceable moderator, the consoler-in-chief, the tough-talker when needed, and a great friend to all of us!
    Diana-M, Ellen and JanAtheCPA like this.
  8. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Last question. I found it! What date was the episode you are in?
  9. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yesterday! (June 7)
  10. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Great interview, @JanAtheCPA ! I listened while I was mowing my lawn, which used to be a rage-inducing activity, but I've now made peace with it. I save all the best podcasts for when I'm mowing and the work breezes by.

    I have a confession to make about Nicole Sachs. Back in the old days on this Forum when her first book came out, she was interviewed by @Forest. I listened to the interview and read her book, and I had this very strong visceral reaction of "Ugh! Not for me!". I eventually recovered from my TMS using other resources. But when I began to confront my Complex PTSD and childhood trauma, I realized that my strong negative reaction to her was because she was saying all the things I needed to hear, but I was too well-defended to let in. She got too close to the emotional aspect of things, and I didn't want any part of it. I now love listening to her podcast and benefit immensely from her wisdom.

    So, folks, when you feel a strong, visceral negative reaction to something or someone, it is likely to be exactly what you need. :)
  11. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Jan got me started on this wiki with some tough love and compassion on my very first post. And it is changing my life to be here! Thank you so much!
    HealingMe and JanAtheCPA like this.
  12. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    OMG, this is SO true, and I have often reeeeally wanted to respond to "fear reactions" exactly like this - but I usually decide it's not worth it, because the person has already shown themselves to be sadly resistant to suggestions to get on with the emotional work. I saw one just yesterday, and I'm still trying to decide how to support the OP in the face of this criticism.

    @Ellen, you and I and certainly everyone participating in this thread know for sure, having experienced it ourselves, that those who recover are the ones who are willing to be exposed to ideas which challenge our fear response. After all, an idea ain't a sabre-tooth tiger which will actually kill and eat you.
    Ellen likes this.
  13. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    That was Great! I enjoyed it a lot. I only started listening to podcasts over the last year or so...and i have already heard every James Tabor, Bart Ehrman and Tim Dillon Podcast on my service so it was nice to hear something I had never heard before...and I didn't know all of those details of your experience sewed together in one place.
    It sounded like she was on this forum ? Does she post here regularly? I know a lot of us use 'Nom de Guere's so we might not recognize each other in a roll call.

    Well done! Anybody else, check it out.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  14. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

    I will have to check it out!
  15. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks B! Also, look at you with a nice new pic! It's good to see your smiling face, my friend :D

    Way back in the day but not anymore! Her profile page link is below. To see her old posts (or anyone's) click on the Postings tab. At the bottom of the page you can click on "all threads by..." in order to limit the hits to just original threads started by that person.
    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/members/nicole-j-sachs-lcsw.1287/ (Nicole J. Sachs LCSW)
  16. Jawarrior1

    Jawarrior1 Peer Supporter

    Listening to the podcast now. Congratulations Jan. One for perpetuity.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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