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Label and doubt over and over again

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Betty Boop, Jul 25, 2024.

  1. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Well once I get my mind on the right track that the label "fibromyalgia" is just tms and nothing more. That it is anxiety but physical and doctors use this label when they don't know what is causing it, my mind decides to revert to the doubt over and over like it loves to stick to this way of thinking about it.
    This just scares my brain even though it is already scared at the moment from being in f-o-f for so many years but it does it anyways like I will have moments throughout the day when I think I have beaten the doubt and then just like the snap of my fingers it comes back.

    I have realized that when the tension in my head and neck is present (because this symptom makes it hard to think and see through the constricted tight muscles around my eyes and the pulling of the while face muscles) the fear and doubt is so much present, so much that I just cry over and over again. It's hard to just ignore this symptom as it is always in my face so to speak.
    When the symptoms in the face are much milder (but not so milder in the rest of the body) I can completely go about my day much easier and have doubt become so very small and sometimes even non existant so to speak.
    I have read so many many books about this label but everyone seems to state it that yes it is TMS but no explanation about this label being tms is to my satisfaction. It's like my brain doesn't want to accept it and calm down or I have so many other doubts that pop up about this label. I have watched and read every success story about this label in this forums and other forums and books and YouTube videos, but of course it's 2 steps forward and 3 backwards as far as motivation comes or how quickly my brain loves to switch with the believing.
    I know this is TMS and that I will overcome this but it is a total roller-coaster with the mind believing one thing one moment and something else the next. I know I will over come this but the inner bully loves to tell me otherwise. It loves to keep me frightened and having the feeling of doom.
    I have looked into Dr Dan's videos on doubt but nothing is clicking in. Its like my brain wants to hear the right words or that "something" that it will be the "thing" that changes the direction once and for all about my thoughts on this label.
    Apologies if my message is triggering to anyone, this was not my intention. Just reaching out for some comforting words or something to snap my brain out of this mode once and for all with this label and doubt.
  2. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    This needs to come from you. Your conscious brain needs to override your unconscious brain. Eventually all the TMS knowledge you are taking in will gel and your brain will create your own "thing" unique to you and your lived experience. Just be patient and keep an open mind. It will come together for you.
    HealingMe and Betty Boop like this.
  3. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Thank you so much.
  4. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    It takes time, it can take more time than you think and it can sneak back in. The work is often on the hardest days, to soften towards the symptoms and just let them be. Eventually you begin to recognize that you don’t need to control them, and that controlling the symptoms instead of mastering your inner stress in general is the way to have much less anxiety about them.
    You probably also need to work on self-victimization. I found that when I recognized when I fell into that mode, I felt like I was just constantly treading water. When I began to realize that doing the TMS work and trusting in that work was empowering, the self-victimizing mode fell away and so did much of the anxiety and “doubt”.
    I once head that this anxiety can often arise when we begin to realize that although TMS is not our “fault” it is our responsibility. The brain can perceive this as more danger and scrambles to offload that increased “stress” especially in those where responsibility can be the trigger. That hit home for me.
    Betty Boop, Diana-M and Ellen like this.
  5. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Hi Betty boop! I get it! All that has helped me fight the doom feeling is to spend a lot of time on this wiki. I read posts, enter into discussions, follow advice. After a few months my fear subsided a lot. But it would creep back if I let it. For some reason, talking to people who have healed and know the way out on a daily basis is what has fortified me. But it takes a lot more work than I thought it would to travel this path. But what other Choice do you have?
    Betty Boop likes this.
  6. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Betty Boop likes this.
  7. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Thank you so mcuh for this messsge. This was so helpful appreciate it.
  8. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Oh thank you I will definitely listen to this.
  9. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

    What Ellen says! Believe this.

    What helped me is to stop putting pressure on doing this work perfectly or right. I said "f--- it".
    Your brain is going to fight you and try to convince you and scare you and you're going to want to research and google... It's a compulsion... it feeds it. You find someone's story that relates to you and fits you to a t but then your brain finds something else to trouble you with and it starts over and over. Don't let it.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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