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Left hip pain gone

Discussion in 'Success Stories Subforum' started by chus123, Nov 3, 2023.

  1. chus123

    chus123 New Member

    Resume: left hip pain 4 months, then back pain 1 month, then wrist pain 2 weeks, then 5 months of anxiety. After that i was cured completely it has been more than a year without any synthom.

    My story:
    Hello, i hope you are well. I want to do It easy to read and my english is not the best so the pain in my hip started progresively in the span of a year till a point It was 24/7 and i could not do anything without pain. As many do i went to doctors , physios, podologys... and nothing worked.

    Finally after 4 months of complete pain (lost 10kg, i was always sad, tbh i didnt care about my Life) i read doctors sarno book and he saved me, i know its hard to understand to people that have not felt this pain but he saved me.

    At the start of the book i didnt believed It but in the end i was like 75% convinced. I remeber in the book says you have to Talk with yourself so i did It and that night i was reading the book my pain lowered like 40%. Then like at 5 am i went to run and the pain did not increased, after that i went to the gym for the first time in 4 months and i did sit ups with my pain controlled.

    It didnt end there the pain continued to disapear until It was all gone. I was really Happy but like a week after it came back in my mid back and i was really scared but know i think about It and It was a natural process. After like 25 days the back pain disapeared and started a wrist pain for like 2 weeks.

    Then i started feeling a Big pressure in my heart, a lot of anxiety. But simce It was just anxiety i went to Talk with a psychologist and after 3 months of treatment i was completely cured.

    Its been a year and i was able to run 10km races and lift 80kg in sit ups without any pain (at one point i wasnt able to run at all or lift nothing and walking was hell).

    I want to thank the forum for the support It gives.

    Some advices:
    -No matter if you believe It or not, but act if It were true.

    -Do exercise even if It hurts. You know its mental so do It anyways.

    -Doctor sarno in the book says you have to think of your past and all of that but to be honest i think the problem is in the present. What scares you? What is the thing that occupies your mind most of the time? What are you thinking when the pain increases? Thats the problem you have to solve(in my case i was really fearful of my laboral future)

    -If you dont solve the main problem, pain will come back because its just a synthom as you know

    -Dont be scared. I know its hard but you have to be stronger than your fears. Accept things that happen and dont fear anything if something scares you do it anyways.

    -You are not your pain. Dont Talk about It except really important moments. Dont victimise yourself. If the reason you are not doing something is the pain DO IT anyways.

    -Go talk yo a psychologyst if you dont have any tms professional Closer. If you dont want to tell everything just say you have anxiety and do the other job by your side. It helps.

    -Read stoicism and budda. It helps.

    -Acept things that happen, forgive, try to improve, try to be a better person, be kind.

    -Dont be scare if the pain comes back its a natural process.

    -The pain will go but you have to acept to live with it before that happens. I mean you dont have to be all the day thinking about It. At the begining is hard but It gets easier every day.

    -Believe in yourself. You got this.
    Mala and JanAtheCPA like this.
  2. Mala

    Mala Well known member

    @chus123 thank you for posting your success story. I'm so very pleased for you. You obviously had symptom imperatives & then anxiety which is so typical of the TMS journey.

    I absolutely love the advice you have given, each point is very relevant & I'm sure many here will benefit from your post.

    Wishing you all the best.

    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Great story of success, @chus123, thank you for posting it! I also love how you have described your journey. Each one of your steps is one that I believe is essential for recovery, but I've never been able to state them so succinctly! With your help, I can now attempt to say that they are:

    Believe in the process.
    Acknowledge your fears.
    Treat your anxiety.
    Reject victimhood.
    Accept what is.
    Do the work.

    Great work, great post, and all the best to you!

    Mala likes this.

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