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Listening to Dr Hanscom and I am SO CONFUSED??

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by gypsysoul, Jan 12, 2018.

  1. gypsysoul

    gypsysoul New Member

    I thought I had a good grasp of TMS and started listening to Back in Control on Audible. Now i feel like I’ve taken 4 steps back I’ll admit I’m only a few chapters in but it sounds like he’s saying sciatica and IT band disorders are actual structural problems? If so, wouldn’t this go against Dr Sarnos theories? Perhaps I’ll get my answer as i listen more but now I’m starting to think that my pain is due to a structural problem instead of TMS.

    Any thoughts?
  2. gypsysoul

    gypsysoul New Member

    So pinched nerves do cause pain???
  3. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    I haven't read Dr. Hanscom's book, nor did I have the kind of symptoms you have, so I won't be much help to you here. However, I do know that Dr. Hanscom arrived at his theory and concept of TMS independently of Dr. Sarno, meaning he was not influenced by Dr. Sarno. So there are bound to be differences in his theory than in Sarno's. Even those MDs who were students of Sarno (e.g. Schubiner and Schecter) have developed somewhat different theories and techniques. Just as many of the TMS therapists have different perspectives and techniques for addressing TMS.

    Hopefully, someone else can give you more specific information to address your concerns.
  4. balto

    balto Beloved Grand Eagle

  5. Lainey

    Lainey Well known member

    I did read Hanscom's book. He is first an orthopedic surgeon and comes to this discussion from that viewpoint. I have sciatica and IT issues as well. Yet, the pain that seemed to manifest from those areas has mostly dissipated.

    As a surgeon he was trained to note that certain injuries create certain types of pain, but, he continues on in his book to write about how he came to understand that the pain people get, even from a place in their body that has been damaged, does not necessarily correlate. Some people have damage to their joints, backs, etc, but do not have pain at all.

    My read of his book led me to believe that he is now very cautious about who he will agree to operate on. He has evidently come to the understanding that most pain is not because of structural deformities that can be seen with MRI's, etc, but is a product of how we are thinking, in spite of the physical damage that he sees. He seems to suggest that the pain is due to the type of messages our brain is sending to our body. He sets up a daily protocol of journaling that he has found will bring relief to patients as well as using it on himself. I thought he had some good suggestions and appreciated his willingness to allow for the reality that pain, (even with his own pain) is not a physical problem that can always be fixed by surgery, but is emotionally based and treated best with personal introspection. I also enjoyed reading about some of the scientific studies he cited regarding healing and pain.

    His book was not the first I read on TMS, so if you have not yet read Sarno or Ovanich or looked at the suggestions on this website re the healing program I may suggest looking through those first. Many 'experts' have expounded and expanded on Sarno's original work. Don't be frightened by the 'professional' judgments brought into the picture. Hold true to your beliefs and feel confident that you are on the right path. You are probably your best counsel.

    Good luck, let us know how you are progression.

  6. MindBodyPT

    MindBodyPT Beloved Grand Eagle

    Also remember this- any symptom COULD be TMS or COULD not be TMS...the specifics of the situation matter! It might be confusing to be listening to a spinal surgeon's point of view if you aren't in health care yourself and have trouble differentiating. Yes, in acute form sciatica, pain in your IT band or pain anywhere else in your body might not be TMS. In chronic form, they almost always ARE TMS. Remember there is some disagreement amongst TMS professionals on the "grey area" issues as well...some things are very clear cut and definitely or definitely not TMS. But from one TMS theory to another there might be slight discrepancies on more ambiguous things. But chronic sciatica and ITB pain are known TMS variants and all TMS practitioners will tell you as much :)
  7. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Great responses here.

    I would suggest to go deeply into Dr. Sarno's work, very deeply, and let it answer as many questions as possible. Then branch out.

    And don't let the variations on this work throw you. As I was first taking in this body of work , if I met up with something which Dr. Sarno did not write (or say), and it started raising doubts in my mind about the efficacy of his approach, I'd immediately dismiss it, and go back to Dr. Sarno's "answer" to that specific issue or doubt. What you're really looking for is confirmation, not doubt.

    Also, understand that doubts and confusion will probably come no matter how "perfectly" you do this investigation for yourself. Each person finds their own way through the minefields of doubt and fear. Observing your doubt is helpful in my opinion. Name the thoughts as doubt, or whatever, understand this is natural, and re-engage the process.
  8. Huckleberry

    Huckleberry Well known member

    This all sort of highlights the difficulties and problems we face when researching too deeply in the TMS literature. By our nature we are usually craving certainty and consistency of opinion on our specific complaint but the reality is we are never going to find this externally.

    I 100% agree with Monte Hueftle who is of the opinion we should read HBP or whatever then accept the theory and apply the principles. I know this is very hard to do and how tempting it is to research shop for more evidence but this pretty much always leads us to doubt and analysis paralysis which fuel the TMS flames for sure.

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