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Looking for SIBO recovering stories! (TMS -> SIBO?)

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Stimulost, Jun 17, 2024.

  1. Stimulost

    Stimulost Newcomer

    Hello fellow TMSers,

    Currently I am in the following situation:

    I have been struggling mainly with CFS and a bunch of abdominal symptoms for several years. A few months ago, I started my TMS journey and have been improving with all my symptoms ever since. By now, I am highly convinced that all my symptoms are TMS, but as we know, this might not be enough... there must be certainty.

    For that to happen, there is still one obstacle to overcome in my mind, which is linked to SIBO. I did lots of testing, but SIBO was the only thing I tested positive for. Actually, I have severe SIBO, and I am constantly and heavily bloated because of it. And yes, I did a bunch of different therapies against it (elemental diet, antibiotics, herbal antibiotics), but nothing really improved the situation, which strengthens my belief that I was not really tackling the root cause with these physical therapies. Regardless, I do believe that this tremendous bloating comes from the too large amount of bacteria in my small intestine, as per the definition of SIBO.

    I do believe to a certain degree that SIBO is a TMS equivalent or a "downstream" symptom, but there is still some doubt left about whether the bacteria in my SI and therefore the bloating will go away by itself as soon as the TMS subsides, or if I have to fall back to physical therapy in the future to get rid of them. Surely, these kinds of doubts are counterproductive for my healing process, so I it is my goal to eliminate them.

    So, actually, I am interested if anybody was diagnosed with SIBO and made a recovery from it with TMS work, as reading about it would be sooo helpful for strengthening my faith.

    The more specifics the better:
    Did you experience severe bloating as well before healing?
    Did the bloating just went away at some time?
    Is it reasonable to act on the assumption that SIBO is a downstream symptom and therefore the bacterial overgrowth will wear off as soon as the mindbody is back in balance?

    Giving me some more insight into your healing stories could be so valuable for my own.
    Big hugs and thank you so much in advance. [​IMG]<3

    Best wishes,
  2. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    This video may interest you. It's by someone who recovered from SIBO using mind/body methods. His gut symptoms were so bad that, if I remember correctly, he was reduced to eating just one or two types of foods, but now he can eat anything.

    Last edited: Jun 17, 2024
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. Stimulost

    Stimulost Newcomer

    Thank you very much! Watching the video helped a lot indeed :)
    BloodMoon likes this.

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