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My Story!

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by LadyGru, Sep 23, 2023.

  1. LadyGru

    LadyGru New Member

    My story starts 10 years ago with a total hip replacement. The wrong size was put in and I walked around on it for 4 years, telling my doctor that something wasn't right and how much pain I was in! He couldn't see anything wrong! Four years later, another doctor seen it on xray and did a revision but it was already too late. I had nerve damage in my left leg, along with CRPS, which is now also in the right leg. I've been thru all the treatments and on all kinds of pain meds and nothing has helped. It's steadly gotten worse over the years. I'm no longer taking any pain meds and refuse to! I was actually able to see a direct connection with my pain and stress, recently. My husband went into the hospital last month. He almost died in my dining room floor! Talk about stress! With that happening, things sorta fell ontop of me because he had been my caretaker for 10 years! To make a long story, shorter, I'm desperately trying to find some help and I know it's not going to come from the medical field! I've been doing alot of reading and research on this web site and feel like this may hold some hope for me! I would appreciate any support I can get! Thanks for letting me post on here!
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    TG957 and JanAtheCPA like this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @LadyGru and welcome! I wanted to respond the other day then got caught up in a condo thing, which I'm still working on (teensy stress - but very time consuming). Your short and concise introduction (thank you!) lets us know that you are already headed in a new and hopefully positive direction, so I think you just need a little help to get you pointed in the right direction, in the face of an otherwise overwhelming amount of information! I'm going to point you to a couple of my recent posts to newcomers, which I hope will be helpful. If you have any questions, just ask!

    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/neurological-symptoms-superscared.27395/#post-141882 (neurological symptoms, superscared)
    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/retirement-as-tms-trigger.27434/#post-142135 (Retirement as TMS Trigger)

    Here's something I saved about doing the SEP (Structured Educational Program)

    Starting the SEP is a great first step, but be careful not to overdo it. Seriously, just do one "day" at a time at the most (I would say definitely not more than two, and never more than seven per week - one of which will be a "day of rest" anyway). If you want to do more, focus on anti-anxiety practices, since anxiety is at the heart of TMS for many of us. Find meditations, learn breathing techniques, or start reading Help And Hope For Your Nerves, by Claire Weekes. Learning to manage anxiety was key to my recovery, as it is to many of us - in combination with Dr. Sarno and one of our programs.

    Keep the following in mind about the process:
    - it's not black & white,
    - it's not linear,
    - it's not possible to know how long it will take
    - it's ultimately different for every person who does it.

    As for the writing exercises, this work must be done with a serious commitment to self-honesty. Your brain will try to trick you into skipping things ("not necessary") or going too fast ("the faster you get this done, the sooner you'll recover!") or editing what you write down ("you should delete that, it's too embarrassing"). Again - don't be fooled!

    At a certain point, often about a week or so into the program, your brain might start throwing new symptoms at you, or revive old ones, or make your current symptoms worse. This is good news, so do not be discouraged! Take a short break from the program, but double down on self-calming and affirmative techniques to talk back to your brain and assure it that you are perfectly safe and it's okay to be doing this.

    And I see that @Cactusflower has offered reassurance and CRPS info - excellent! You're on your way!

    MWsunin12 and Syl like this.
  4. LadyGru

    LadyGru New Member

    I'd like to thank you for replying and for the info. It's much appreciated!!
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  5. LadyGru

    LadyGru New Member

    Thank you, Jan. I really appreciate all the support I see here and you are right, it is alot of info to take in but I am hopeful!
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  6. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    The most important thing you need to know about CRPS is that it is just another case of TMS, despite all the talk of nerve damage, very physical nature of symptoms, etc. The only difference is that it is a more extreme case of TMS and will require more patience, more time, and more serious emotional work. Feel free to reach out to me through this forum or through our website. We want every case of CRPS to become a success story!
    MWsunin12 and JanAtheCPA like this.
  7. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thank you, @Cactusflower !

    It is my firm belief that when people have a post-surgical CRPS or chronic pain, most likely it is CRPS arriving on a fertile ground of a deep emotional trauma. It does not take much for the overstressed brain to go into the overdrive and get stuck in the endless cycle of pain.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  8. Syl

    Syl Peer Supporter

    So very sorry about your experience and I hope your hubby is doing better. All I can say is that you're in the right place to get support and learn how you can heal. We all have stories (some that go back many, many years), we've all tried different things, everyone has a different journey, but no matter what or where I can promise you that you will always learn something here that will help you along your journey.
    JanAtheCPA and TG957 like this.

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