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Nerve damage from neck dissection

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by eoram, Aug 2, 2024.

  1. eoram

    eoram New Member

    Hi all, I am new to this forum as a participant, but have been a lurker here for years. I am a big proponent of TMS and healed my chronic back pain that way some years ago. This problem seems different. I was diagnosed with cancer out of the blue in 2013 - it derailed my life. The first (out of four) surgeries was a disaster, the surgeon didn't know how extensive it was in my neck. I woke up in horrible pain encompassing my right neck, right chest and right shoulder - the neck area is entirely numb, and the whole area burned, ached and felt like someone was squeezing it in a red-hot vice grip. Pain doctors gave me opioids and I eventually got off them with Nortriptyline. 9 months ago I decided I'm done with Nortriptyline and started tapering off it. I am almost off it, and have very bad pain again.

    It never occurred to me that this could be TMS but now I believe it is. It doesn't make sense that nerves could send pain signals forever. But now that's I'm off the Nortriptyline and in pain I am waffling. Because the pain is so bad.

    Has anyone else had a botched surgery with nerve damage and healed with TMS therapy? I don't expect it will stop being numb, I just expect it to stop hurting! Many thanks in advance.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle


    The film Love Heals about a woman in a similar situation to yours. She works with Dr. Hanscom who specializes in this area of TMS as a former surgeon.

    https://lovehealsfilm.com/ (LOVE HEALS Film | Documentary about self-healing)
  3. eoram

    eoram New Member

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