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New Interview with the author of The Body Keeps The Score

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by JanAtheCPA, Jul 25, 2024.

  1. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Really interesting article and recent interview from Time Magazine, with the author of "The Body Keeps The Score" (often recommended by members of our community).

    https://time.com/6998595/bessel-van-der-kolk-trauma-profile/ (Why People Still Misunderstand Trauma)

    First paragraph:
    "Dr. Bessel van der Kolk has spent 30 years figuring out why people behave so strangely. His specialty is treating those who have endured traumas so horrific—war, carnage, incredible pain that they couldn’t stop—that their brains have not been able to fully process them, and their bodies have reacted to their brain’s precarious state in ways they could not explain or control. But many human behaviors still puzzle van der Kolk, 82. He doesn’t understand why the medical community doesn’t take childhood trauma more seriously. He doesn’t understand why leaders still send citizens to war without factoring in how it will deplete their capacity to live normally for decades. And he’s not quite sure why a woman recently came up to him on the street and kissed his feet."​
    Diana-M likes this.

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