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Our TMS drop-in chat is tomorrow (Saturday) from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Eastern (US Daylight Time). It's a great way to get quick and interactive peer support, with Bonnard as your host. Look for the red Chat flag on top of the menu bar!

Not Broken, No need to be Fixed...Adam recovered from severe Back Pain

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by TMS RoundTable Global, Mar 11, 2025 at 6:15 AM.

  1. TMS RoundTable Global

    TMS RoundTable Global Peer Supporter

    TOMORROW... LIVE!!!!!
    Wednesday March 12 at your local time!!!
    Meet Adam and speak with him about his successful TMS/Pain Psychology Healing Journey
    Talk with his coaches who assisted him in this process....

    12:00 pm USA pdt
    3:00 pm USA edt
    7:00 pm BST
    21:00 Israel
    6:00 am AEST Thursday March 13

    Meet Us Here:https://www.facebook.com/tmsroundtablerecoverychronicpain/ (TMS RoundTable Chronic Pain & Disease Recovery | Pardes Hanah)

    If you can not make the LIVE BROADCAST.... Please visit and leave your questions here.... on the YOUTUBE channel

    Attached Files:

  2. Avi Lee

    Avi Lee New Member

    Can this be viewed at a later date?
  3. TMS RoundTable Global

    TMS RoundTable Global Peer Supporter

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