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Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by LadyGru, Nov 4, 2023.

  1. LadyGru

    LadyGru New Member

    I am sorry. I haven't meant to be a stranger on here. I've only posted once. I'm just so overwhelmed with all that's going on in my life and I know that you all don't want to hear alot of sad details, but I really need to talk about some of the stresses in my life that are taking place. My husband is fighting cancer and has to have surgery on his hip at a hospital 3 hours away from home and I, simply, cannot go with him because I can't navigate those kind of places, let alone make that kind of drive. I just really feel alone in all this but I have been trying to do for him and myself both because we have no help. I've also been trying to find some therapy and came across a site on the internet called Better Help. That seems to be the best way for me to go since getting around to places is so hard for me to do. I just wanted to touch base with you all and let you know what's going on with me. Thanks for listening!
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    No apologies needed, my dear. You have a LOT on your plate. I certainly hope you can find a therapist who will work with the mindbody component of your chronic pain as well as your anxiety. Did you have a chance to get hold of Hope and Help for Your Nerves, by Claire Weekes? @Cactusflower recently mentioned that just reading a few pages every day is very calming and reassuring. The reason I recommended it for you back in September is because it's the second book (after Dr Sarno) that saved me from descending into a major TMS crisis twelve years ago - which I've never come close to since then, in spite of the challenges of aging and a much more dysfunctional world. It's a deceptively small and simple book and her writing is a bit quaint from fifty years ago, but her wisdom is still, and perhaps always will be, compassionate and life-changing.

    We're pulling for you and your husband!

  3. LadyGru

    LadyGru New Member

    Thank you so much, Jan, for responding and yes, I did get that book and have been reading it. I also got Defying The Verdict, Positive Options for CRPS, and Pain Free for Life by Scott Brady, MD. I have been doing alot of reading and Journaling, but I still feel totally overwhelmed! I do have alot of the pain personalities that Dr. Brady talks about and as a child, I was physically and emotionally abused and then spent 25 years with a violent, abusive, alcoholic husband! So my whole life, I have spent in flight or fight mode! I still have flashbacks and nightmares and I've been out of that situation for 20 years now! It's no wonder I'm in the shape I'm in! But I do thank you for letting me vent on here and talking to me! I really appreciate it!
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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