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Paraspinal muscle spasm

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by music321, Aug 19, 2017.

  1. music321

    music321 Well known member

    I injured my neck in an auto crash many years ago. As a result, the deep muscles in my neck, around my spine (the para spinal muscles) have been in spasm ever since the accident. I know that I have TMS. Do you think that this is TMS as well?
  2. MindBodyPT

    MindBodyPT Beloved Grand Eagle

    yes for sure this is TMS :)
  3. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    It likely is but with respect how can you possibly diagnose this person online on the basis of one sentence of information?
  4. MindBodyPT

    MindBodyPT Beloved Grand Eagle

    There is no situation where a car accident many years ago that caused injuries would still actively be causing non-TMS injuries many years later. I've been a PT long enough to tell you that! Chronic muscle spasm many years after an injury = TMS, I think he was just asking for confirmation. I see this all the time in practice. This would be caused by neural pathways. Of course when in doubt or with new symptoms, get checked out in person by a doctor.
  5. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    My radar goes up when i see anonymous medical diagnoses being presented over the internet as authoritative. I think you might have given the same information about your experience without offering a concrete diagnosis since you dont know the poster have not examined them know nothing about the accident and so forth. Just my two cents. A little caution would seem in order.
  6. Lunarlass66

    Lunarlass66 Well known member

    In MindbodyPTs defense, she DID say when in doubt see a doctor and it does seen unlikely that an injury that is described as occurring "many years ago" would produce acute symptoms. Sure, maybe more prone to irritation or strain (to an area that was previously traumatized... But not an acute issue. I'm sure at the time of the accident, physicians were consulted...
  7. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    I think pt should have said this is likely tms and explained why. I dont think anyone should purport to definitively diagnose anyone over the internet on the basis of one sentence of information. But pt did that saying its tms for sure. I see this as a big source of problems in various forums i have participated in. Too many people with a bias in favor of the subject of the forum ready willing snd sble to diagnose someone based on a post. You have cfs. You have lyme. You have tms. A quibble only perhaps. But still.
  8. Lunarlass66

    Lunarlass66 Well known member

    She kind of DID explain that an injury incurred that long ago should not be causing the symptoms that were described after so many years ago... She didn't say don't bother seeing a doctor.. It sounds like TMS in her opinion and she seems a very credible source of information because of her medical backround. EVERYONE on this site is subject to the same disclaimer. All are advised to seek a traditional practioner to rule out possible SERIOUS physical issues before embarking on a Mindbody or TMS protocol. Ultimately our health is in our own hands and I don't believe there is any harm done in the advice she gave. Just my two cents.
  9. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    Her first post with no explanation at all was yes for sure this is tms. Ive seen people here counsel ignoring potentially serious medical problems based on amateur diagnoses. One that comes to mind was last year when two doctors had avised a poster they had an imminently dangerous neurological issue requiring surgery and our resident nonmedical gurus confidently said ignore them its tms. We need to be cautious.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2017
  10. Lunarlass66

    Lunarlass66 Well known member

    Granted, she did say that, but then in additional posts, she expounded on that and explained why it seemed TMS-likely to her and also advised the poster to consult a physician if in doubt..
    My personal situation is a good example of someone who often experiences acute back spasm without serious injury. I had lumbar surgery 22 yrs ago and my current imaging studies, reviewed by a respected spine specialist shows only "normal wear and tear"... Should I be afraid of some serious condition even though the doctor finds nothing emergent?
  11. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    I have acute neck spasm without serious injury. Of course these things can be psychogenic. Most likely are. I only object to definitively diagnosing someone with tms as opposed to stating things more carefully and in terms of probabilities.
  12. Lunarlass66

    Lunarlass66 Well known member

    I'd like to think people are more responsible with their health than simply taking a post with well meaning advice and basing 100% of their treatment needs on that. Many of the members on this forum have already been through a slew of Western medicine providers and only wound up frustrated, in pain and back to square one.
    I think the unfortunate scenario you described is more the exception than the rule. I don't believe MindbodyPT wasn't being cautious.
    One of the common issues most everyone on here shares is fear and anxiety along with their pain. I, for one, think while being cautious is a good approach, perpetuating fear is not.
  13. Lunarlass66

    Lunarlass66 Well known member

    I might add that individuals can have both a physical and psychogenic issue simultaneously... Overlapping. I've had the experience(unfortunately) also.
    Nothing wrong with delving out advice with sensible caution, but without fear mongering..
  14. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    People are vulnerable and not always smart, you never know how seriously they will take your answer. What pt said is not a big deal but this episode i described exception or not was appalling to me. Saw similar nonsense on the other forum too, lot of amateur diagnosing going on with some serious symptoms. The more responsible posters always advise seeing a dr to make sure but some dont.
  15. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    Of course. I never suggested fear mongering.
  16. Lunarlass66

    Lunarlass66 Well known member

    I realize that and I certainly can appreciate wanting to prevent someone from potential harm by overlooking a serious physical injury or illness. I just have a tough time believing that an accident or injury that old could cause severe symptoms so many years later without any recent trauma... without having a psychogenic component.
    Part of my personal struggle with this whole mindbody process has been accepting it as truth.. I think that's the reason I find this such a focal point for discussion..
  17. Lunarlass66

    Lunarlass66 Well known member

    I would hardly call the professional wisdom of MindbodyPT "nonsense" or "amateur". She is medically educated and experienced and if one truly thinks about it, has MORE of a basis to post advice on here than any layman.
    I can see giving a friendly nudge to forum members to be careful and have a physical cause checked out or ruled out first..(and Mindbody PT DID exactly that!) But at this point your posts are bordering on insulting and counterproductive to those who rely on this place for SUPPORT and healing!
    Moving on to more supportive and less fear mongering posts. Enjoy your day.
    Lily Rose likes this.
  18. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    Read what i wrote again please. I was referring to the prior episode where someone was told to ignore a potential neurological emergency as nonsense not her. I specifically said what she said was no big deal and that she likely was right and very clearly explained before that it was just a quibble but in my view because of things i had seen before an important one to mention. You are defending a nonexistent insult and unfairly putting words in my mouth.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2017
  19. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    I clearly said i thought it likely was psychogenic i only objected to the phrasing of the advice.
  20. Lunarlass66

    Lunarlass66 Well known member

    You inferred that Mindbody's response was "similar nonsense".
    I would prefer to embrace Mindbody's supportive and PROFESSIONAL advice and move on.
    The truth I believe IS that an ocassional person will discover a physical issue requiring emergent medical attention from a traditionally qualified physician.
    But, far MORE will find they get better results utilizing a MINDBODY approach.
    Your "cautionary tale" is heeded. Time to move forward from there. Thank you.

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