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Paresthesia or sciatica?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Buckyblue, Apr 28, 2024.

  1. Buckyblue

    Buckyblue Peer Supporter

    I’m curious if anyone can identify with my current symptoms or can help me understand what might be going on. In January, I started having sciatica symptoms…tingling in big toes and heel as well as calf and hamstring tightness on the right side. My most worrisome symptom was a zapping sensation through my foot, heel, and toe when I would bend down to touch my toes. It seems to come and go, but is definitely worse when I first get out of bed. To add to it, I have been having a pain in the front hip on the same side…I am conscious of it when walking and feel like my thigh doesn’t want to work sometimes. This is accompanied by a dull ache in my upper thigh almost like the pump you get in your muscles after working out….

    my question is, can my perception of small incidental sensations be amplified by TMS, whereas in a normal state I would even notice it? Second, can TMS cause sciatica and muscle stiffness? I should add that the only one of these symptoms I have on the left side is the zapping when touching my toes and feet tingling.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    “my question is, can my perception of small incidental sensations be amplified by TMS, whereas in a normal state I would even notice it? Second, can TMS cause sciatica and muscle stiffness? ”

    Your post begins describing physical sensations. Your first question is only about physical sensations, actually your entire post is only about physical sensations.
    What you have not written about, but I imply in your message, is that sensations you are currently having are making you anxious and afraid. You do not mention this.

    Let’s reframe this. First question: What is going on in my life? What stressors am I experiencing both externally and more importantly internally? What emotions am I avoiding feeling?

    To answer your question: both sciatica and strictness or tension are two of the most common TMS symptoms. Looking at the forum topics, you’ll see many recent equities about muscle tension. Doing a forum search you’ll find lots about sciatica.

    With TMS the physical body reflects what was first going on in the mind.

    If you have not yet read a book by Dr. Sarno, that’s your first step. If you have, why not take a refresher, and read and digest how he discusses that we must “think psychologically” and how most often the source of our symptoms is rage, and we now know that comes with a host of other emotions that tell how we see ourselves through this lense of rage, sometimes with guilt or shame.

    I would return and read Fred’s excellent answer to your question and note that you mention these same symptoms in past posts. Did you finish the SEP and were you truly able to become vulnerable to do this work?
    Speaking from experience, for many of us, it doesn’t stop at the SEP, it continues daily.

    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/bucket-of-rage.24606/ (Bucket of rage?)
    Bonnard and JanAtheCPA like this.
  3. Buckyblue

    Buckyblue Peer Supporter


    Thanks for pointing that out it definitely is a blind spot for me. There are some fairly large life events that have happened that would make sense to look at from an emotional standpoint. When this began in January, I was not aware of any major stressors, but then again there were some smaller ones that might have added up. I think I focus on the physical because I am, selfishly, trying to get validation of my symptoms (physical manifestations) and that I maybe still have not come to fully accept the diagnosis. I will begin rereading Dr. Sarno's book as you mention.

    This forum is a great place to find the holes in my perception of my physical sensations and where I can begin to work on my emotional state.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  4. Bonnard

    Bonnard Well known member

    Hi @Buckyblue
    @Cactusflower makes such excellent points and I almost didn't reply...But, I think it's worth adding to that:
    The answer to both of these questions is an emphatic Yes. Amplifying minor physical issues into a huge pain distraction to keep our focus away from what's really going on with us is exactly what TMS does.

    Check out this success story--there are some great points in there, especially the list of practices that worked:
    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/success-story-8-years-sciatica-pain-gone-overdue-story.20437/ (Success Story-8 years Sciatica pain gone. Overdue Story!)

    Here is one small part of that success story that might be helpful here:
    "TMS recovery was VERY COUNTERINTUITIVE for me.
    Here is what I learned and did that finally helped me:

    #1 I had to STOP OBSESSING COMPLETELY ABOUT PHYSICAL REASONS FOR THE PAIN AND PHYSICAL SOLUTIONS. Your brain will pick a pain that “makes sense” like weak hip rotators and sitting a lot or an old injury. The fact that the pain is even half rooted in truth does not actually mean that half truth is causal."

    I wish you well!
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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