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Past vs. Present stressors - does it always have to be repressed events?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by DianeRadvanski, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. DianeRadvanski

    DianeRadvanski New Member

    So I keep reading about how things that are repressed which we are unaware of and the emotions tied to them, usually rage are at the root of pain.

    I went back to childhood and listed everything I can think of and also the present and I have to say my current stressors are producing alot of rage...the past ones don't bother me.

    Does anyone else have similar situations? My childhood was uneventful and I was never abused in any way by anyone. I was a tomboy who loved sports.

  2. EricFeelsThisWay

    EricFeelsThisWay Peer Supporter

    So the textbook Sarno answer would be that you're repressing your rage from your childhood. Looking at it with rose-tinted glasses. To protect the people that you respect or have put on a pedestal or who you couldn't tolerate feeling ambivalently about. *cough parents cough*.
  3. EricFeelsThisWay

    EricFeelsThisWay Peer Supporter

    Sarno wrote that he was blown away by how many of his patients described their childhoods in the same way. Idyllic, uneventful, "perfect."
  4. Steve Ozanich

    Steve Ozanich TMS Consultant

    Almost everyone feels that their present stressors are causing their symptoms but they have almost nothing to do with the symptoms. Stressors are triggers. Now, you could say that TMS comes from strain on the brain, which is true. But wherest thou doth thy strain cometh? ~~> From personality, which is born in childhood. So the problems stem from childhood, whether it was a good one or bad one is a matter of perception. We develop early on as Jung said around 6 years old for persona. But you have to factor in genetics (passing down emotional traits) and any trauma that you experience.

    Idllyic childhoods exist in the rear view mirror, and are often reaction formations. Between what we are and what we think we are is a massive wall of repression. Thick as the day is night.

  5. DianeRadvanski

    DianeRadvanski New Member

    Okay then how do I break these barriers or walls? I am told to think about them and then not try to solve them ans just observe them. I don't feel any rage toward the ones I listed...and since we r told not to dwell on anything. This is the part I don't get at all. My current stressors if I ignore them the rage is building now as we speak and I am well aware of the feelings associated with them. I alost feel like if people do not choose psychodyanic therapy then they won't see results and be pain free...it's all psychodynamic. Which is fine...they cost a fortune thPugh and don't take my coverage. So I guess if I can't afford that therapy will I still have achance to get better?
  6. Steve Ozanich

    Steve Ozanich TMS Consultant

    DR, I can only say that you are waaaaay over thinking it. You are actually TMSing in the "thinking vs. feeling" functions. Just know that you don't understand TMS at the needed level yet (still on pillar 1), so I understand why you're asking these questions. Keep learning about TMS, gather more info, and in the end you will say, "I didn't need to know any of that stuff." But the journey involves taming the cynical mind through questioning.

    For ex, you will never feel the rage that causes your symptoms, so when you say you don't "feel rage toward the ones I listed," it just means you're still on pillar one trying to figure out what TMS is, this is good. Keep learning.

    In the end you don't need to know anything other than you're ok physically, and to just go live your life. But in between there are many questions to be asked to appease the amygdala's hunger for safety.

  7. Steve Ozanich

    Steve Ozanich TMS Consultant

    Let me clarify one thing that has caused some confusion. The childhood is the period that we form with the closest relationships and most helpless states, and so as we get older we screen our daily life through that prism (Dr. Sarno called it a residual pool of childhood anger, which is a good way of seeing it). But the past is only a memory and the future doesn't exist. The focus should be on the present and not the past.

    I was just saying that our past is the bigger influence and the daily stressors are triggers for the deeper issues as screened through any corrupted memories. You don't need to go dig up your past to heal, it has passed. Deal with today and the person you now are, but recognizing how you got here.

    Tiene sentido?

    birdsetfree and Ellen like this.
  8. DianeRadvanski

    DianeRadvanski New Member

    More confused.. my primary TMS said have to focus on the past because that is where it all stems...focusing on the present and future is pointless. He said the past is wherr it all the unconscious and suppressed feelings r.


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