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Nicole Sachs, LCSW Pep talk on healing

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Diana-M, Sep 5, 2024.

  1. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    I really liked this episode of Nichole Sachs’ podcast: S3 E100 “Sending a Message of Safety to the Nervous System.” I Highly recommend it!

    Here are a few quotes:

    “Walking into the fire will indeed cure you, not burn you up.” (On journaling, self discovery.)

    “There’s no such thing as happiness. Happiness is a moment. Moments.”

    “Every moment, you can choose between what hurts and what hurts less.” (Journaling hurts, but it hurts less than not healing.)

    Any sense of urgency (to heal) gives your brain the message of no safety. “The slower you go, the quicker you get there.”

    You are right where you need to be to change your life in such an epic fashion that you have no idea how much better it can be.”

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