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Personal growth though pain

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by feduccini, Nov 1, 2024.

  1. feduccini

    feduccini Newcomer

    Since my recovery journey began I've learned a lot about myself, digging through the dirt and sometimes finding some hidden flowers amongst it.

    One of Howard Schubbiner's messages of safety goes along "I'm dealing with my emotions and stresses so I don't need the symptoms anymore".

    But something dawned in me. Could it be one of the reasons my uncounscious mind is still creating symptoms is because she knows it's keeping me on track of a greater healing? I tell her I will keep doing the work even when the symptoms are gone, but maybe, who knows, she knows better than that and is helping me to get to this place.

    Is this too far fetched? What do you think?
    Baseball65 likes this.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    One of the first tenants of TMS healing is don’t overthink it.
    Try snd get out of the habit of worrying about why symptoms linger, or how they linger. These are merely side roads to your goal and have no importance. Just keep doing the work, no clock watching or self pressure. You can still want symptoms gone but there’s a subtle difference for some of us. I think it has to do with a deep inner rage and fear of responsibility mixed with failure. Responsibility to ourselves can become another self pressure to the subconscious who doesn’t want to deal with any of this.
    When we were kids we didn’t tell our brains much about learning to read, we just did it. That's how you want to approach things when you find yourself caught up in thoughts about your TMS. When I catch myself actually doing the things eg. like allowing the sensation of emotions, or meditation or even spending time not thinking about TMS or symptoms at all, I simply congratulate myself “you are doing it!” Some good ol’ behavior modification by rewarding goal behavior.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2024
    HealingMe, JanAtheCPA and Clover like this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Don't Overthink It.

    This could be a banner for your bathroom mirror so you are reminded every day.

    Overthinking and overanalyzing are just more distractions created by the TMS brain, especially the TMS brain afraid that you might be going places it thinks are not safe. The best response is logical and constructive back talk.
    Clover likes this.
  4. feduccini

    feduccini Newcomer

    Thanks for the thoughts people. I'm not overthinking it though, it was just something that popped out of my mind during meditation, and I really liked the concept.
  5. Ybird

    Ybird New Member

    Usually the more spiritual "healing systems" take that perspective. It's a way of getting you to 'soften around' or welcome your symptoms, when they arrive, with the idea that when you resolve them you will be better off than before, like more empowered in your life, that type of thing.
    Diana-M and feduccini like this.
  6. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    I like this response feduccini.

    Your insight in meditation is probably a great insight for you. To soften around the issues and symptoms and see them as a continuing learning and growth process is a great shift away from "fixing" ----which most of us (understandably) start with in this work.

    This question, seems to me, might begin a deeper listening in your life about "what wants to be seen and understood." To wonder and inquire and not "overthink in order to fix" is good medicine, in my experience. Most of my personal insights seem to pop up as questions, as yours did.

    Bon Voyage!
    feduccini, Ybird and Diana-M like this.

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