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Dr. Hanscom's Blog Podcast episode from Dr Hanscom

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by JanAtheCPA, Jan 17, 2024.

  1. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Being with Pain to Be Free From Pain

    This was in my email newsletter from David Hanscom MD, and I thought the topic and guest might be worth checking out.
    https://www.blogtalkradio.com/backincontrol/2024/01/17/being-with-pain-to-be-free-from-pain (Being with Pain to Be Free From Pain)

    Intro (bolded items are Jan's):

    In this episode, Dr. David Hanscom continues his discussion with Agnes Szymczak – an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Pain Reprocessing Therapy Coach, and Restorative Breathing Coach. She explores the crucial steps in the healing journey, emphasizing the need to disassociate pain from the body and nurture joy. She also explains the integrative approach to pain management, emphasizing the role of diet, breath work, and pain reprocessing therapy in reducing inflammation and calming the body. She underscores the interconnected nature of these interventions and the need for a holistic approach to address chronic pain effectively. She also talks about the different aspects of pain reprocessing therapy, highlighting its significance in pain management.

    As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Pain Reprocessing Therapy Coach, and Buteyko Restorative Breathing Coach, Agnes helps busy moms with scoliosis and arthritis break free from debilitating pain, fatigue and anxiety and reclaim their lives so that they can keep up with their kids, travel and have energy to do what they love. Her own healthy journey includes healing from years of chronic and debilitating back pain, fatigue and anxiety. Agnes found a fascination with Neuroscience had developed a deep understanding of the physiological ramifications that stress can have on the mind, body and spirit. She supports others in regaining agency over their health and understanding their unique needs so that they may lead their version of a healthy life. Her mission is to help you restore your health by healing your mind, body and spirit and to start living and stop surviving.

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