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Podcast recommendation: Disengaging from toxic people

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by JanAtheCPA, Jul 20, 2024.

  1. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is via my weekly newsletter from the Ten Percent Happier meditation+ app - the app is a subscription, but they also have a free weekly podcast. This topic from a few weeks ago seems to be relevant to a lot of people here (I remember that @Diana-M brought this up and it became a lively discussion).

    The title of this episode is: "How to Disentangle from Toxic People" with Lindsay C. Gibson and you can listen on the web at How to Disentangle from Toxic People | Lindsay C. Gibson — Ten Percent Happier or subscribe to the Ten Percent Happier podcast on all the platforms. An excerpt from the newsletter:

    "Lindsay C. Gibson is a clinical psychologist and bestselling author who specializes in helping people identify and deal with emotionally immature people, or EIP’s. Her first appearance on our show was one of our most popular episodes of 2022. Now she’s back to offer concrete strategies for handling the EIP’s in your life, wherever you may find them. Her new book is called Disentangling from Emotionally Immature People.

    ‍In this episode we talk about:
    • A primer on the cardinal characteristics of emotionally immature people (EIP’s), how to spot them, and why you might want to
    • What Lindsay means by “disentangling” from EIP’s, and how to do it
    • What often happens to your own sense of self when you’re in relationship (or even just in conversation) with an EIP
    • How to interact with an EIP
    • How to prevent brain scramble when you’re talking with someone who isn’t making any attempt to understand what you’re saying
    • How she reacts when she comes across EIP’s in her everyday life
    • Whether it’s possible to have some immature characteristics without being an EIP
    • Handling your own emotionally immature tendencies
    • Whether or not EIP’s can change
    • The limits of estrangement
    • Why she encourages “alternatives to forgiveness” "
    Cap'n Spanky likes this.
  2. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Thank you for this! A topic I’m very interested in. Can’t wait to listen.

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