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Psychological Issues in IBD and Whole30

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by jessedas, Apr 26, 2016.

  1. jessedas

    jessedas Peer Supporter

    From this source

    5.1. Neuroticism and Perfectionism
    In IBD patients, the commonest personality trait is reported to be neuroticism [17, 43, 44]; furthermore, high neuroticism scores appear to reduce psychological wellbeing, psychological adjustment, and quality of life in patients with IBD [44, 45]. Another personality characteristic, emphasized in IBD patients, is perfectionism [46]; its negative impact in IBD is probably explained by its relationship with negative cognitive biases, heightened reactivity to stressors, and feeling pressured to be and look perfect. The latter may be particularly detrimental for IBD patients because these conditions are often accompanied by stigma, shame, feeling of dirty, and a burden [47]. The above investigators have shown a relationship between perfectionism and the psychological impact of IBD, so as the trait was associated with emotional preoccupation coping a maladaptive coping way with disease.

    I've recently adopted the Whole30 program as of the start of this month. Anyone try this?
    My thoughts on the matter may be slightly contrary to facing triggers (the food triggers and sensitivities that is), but since TMS rarely dives too deeply into Gastro issues within the written texts (at least to my knowledge), I thought I would try something. From some of what I read, intestinal issues tend to start with milk. Going off of Ozanich's book, and the idea that much of TMS is rooted in separation anxiety, I wondered if continuing to drink milk is actually the avoidance of the trigger (the separation from the mother). Following that, continuing to eat any "comfort" foods (commonly breads [gluten], soy [high estrogen go figure], and the like) would continue to fuel this avoidance. The Whole30 is a type of paleo elimination diet, which eliminates all of those items from the diet (dairy, gluten, grains all together, soy, processed sugar or any artificial sweeteners). There's a little more too it, and it's pretty strict, but I've found it to be relatively easy to follow. My general pain levels have subsided in response to it.

    My other thought is that if, along with this diet, I can avoid all TMS triggers, I can either get the emotions to surface, or watch as the symptoms change before my eyes because all typical triggers are being avoided (and it would be pretty obvious). So far my facing of triggers has offered only partial success. The books have definitely taken a lot of fear away. This could just be seen as an avoidance of triggers however. I think my idea on food may be on to something for me (I'm interested in your thoughts on this), but for the rest of my triggers I may be going counter to what would be helpful.

    Anyways, I found the above quote interesting in that it mentioned perfectionism as a driving force in IBD (and I'm sure IBS which is what I've been diagnosed with) symptoms.
  2. jessedas

    jessedas Peer Supporter

    Not to mention this just below, from the same source under 5.2:

    Some studies have shown alexithymia to be another common personality characteristic in IBD patients. Patients with alexithymia have difficulty in recognizing and verbalizing emotions, and their ability to regulate emotions and express them to others is usually reduced [48].​

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