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Restarting physical functioning in the face of psychological stress

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by music321, May 12, 2024.

  1. music321

    music321 Well known member

    I have posted before and have focused primarily on the physical. The reason for this, I think, is that I’ve had very poor success dealing with the psychological aspects of TMS. In particular, I have MECFS. For me, this primarily manifest as muscle weakness And lack of muscle recovery after exercise. It seems to be brought on by being ill at ease with life’s circumstances. There are some major stressors that hangover me, and have been hanging over me for months. This has caused a significant regression in physical functioning. I know that the physical symptoms I experience are related to these stressors, and my being ill at ease quite often. In spite of knowing the psychological basis of my TMS symptoms, they will not go away. By the way, forgive the lack of paragraphs. I’m entering this by voice. There are times during which my psychological outlook becomes brighter, and the symptoms wane. However, I find it difficult, and have found it impossible thus far, to maintain a healing mindset, long enough to get me to a place for these stress are no longer in my life. Primary of these stresses around my lack of physical ability. I was told by a rehabilitation doctor that a person without TMS would likely take about a year to get to normal every day functioning from the state that I am in. I found that I can maintain a healing mindset for months at a time, but then the stressor is related to my Disabilities creep in for a month or two. During that time, I lose months of strike and endurance. So, my focus on the physical, to repeat myself, has been enlarged part because I have not sufficiently mastered the psychological aspects of curing TMS to get myself well. in light of not being able to put myself in a life space that is overall healthy, stress-free, etc., is there any way at all to preserve physical functioning? As I’ve mentioned, I know these symptoms are TMS related. From a behaviorism standpoint, I was told by TMS doctor that if I do activities very slowly And calmly, system will realize that they are safe, and that I will have strength to do them. Some degree, I found this to be the case. What I find more challenging is the lack of recovery of my musculature. It doesn’t seem like there’s any psychological exercise I can engage into allow this to happen. my body should take a day or two to recover from physical exertion, it might take the better part of a week. Again, the only time during which my body seems to recover well physically is when I’m in a grounded, state, psychologically, and when I can achieve this, my body does not recover. Other than being an grounded, state, psychologically, and by this, I mean an overall well-being about my life and various stressors, not just TMS, I don’t know what to do to get my body to function properly. I’ve looked at this from a behaviorism standpoint, as I mentioned, And thus far not found any success. It seems that if my body perceives threat, due to a financial issue, a social issue, etc. It simply shuts me down. I can be completely calm and knees with the TMS symptoms I’m guessing, and this would still be the case. Can anyone weigh in? Thank you,
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    First of all, I think you really need a more full understanding of TMS because of the statement: “and by this, I mean an overall well-being about my life and various stressors, not just TMS”
    TMS is ABOUT the overall stressors in your life, the internal stress you generate, the beliefs you have about yourself and your personality traits. Thinking it is only about physical symptoms is actually thinking physically.
    You mention external stressors like finances or social issues: TMS psychological work will help you see that personality traits mixed with thoughts (which generate internal stress) give you symptoms however, you can begin to see the symptoms for what they are, the worries and internal stress for what it is (anxiety). It takes vulnerability and brutal honesty to see the inner workings of these “triggers” within yourself. Seeing them often disarms the nervous system reaction to a degree; but you have to recognize that you do have control over this and are not necessarily at victim of it. And, when symptoms flair, you do “the work” to calm the nervous system and remind it you are safe. This can take time - your brain is a fierce protector.
    The Structured Educational Program teaches these skills, then you put them into practice.
    Be aware of your even incremental successes! Congratulate yourself on even the tiniest win; show your brain a new way is preferable over old habits. Slowly this will change things around.
  3. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    I think you shouldn’t give up. It just takes longer than you think. Keep exercising and teaching your brain it’s safe. Keep working on discovering your internal stressors. Keep trying to live and be happy despite everything and despite setbacks. Believe you will get better. Read success stories. Have you read this one? https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/4-years-since-original-post-im-in-charge-of-my-own-life-again-cfs-fibromyalgia.28223/ (4 years since original post: I'm in charge of my own life again! (CFS / Fibromyalgia))
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  4. music321

    music321 Well known member

    Will do, thank you very much
  5. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    If you stop focusing on your physical recovery and instead start focusing on your mental health and ability to sustain stress, physical recovery will follow. You seem to be obsessed with lack of progress, which is understandable, but is in fact secondary and only drags you down and slows your progress. Remember, root of your problem is not in your muscles, it is in your brain! Patience, patience, patience! It takes what it takes.
    JanAtheCPA, Booble and Diana-M like this.
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle


    @music321, I'm going to take a risk and be brutally blunt:
    Also considering things you've said in other posts, it's MHO that you're trying to convince yourself (and everyone else) that this frustration over your symptoms is a significant emotion. It ain't. It's not even close.

    Your TMS brain has created the perfect vicious cycle, in which your symptoms don't allow you to recover psychologically because of the perceived physical barriers.

    It's also the perfect victimhood trap. And as long as you are attached to being a victim of your symptoms, you will not recover. This is the truth about reality.
    Diana-M and TG957 like this.

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